# Hanyutils

Utilities for dealing with Chinese characters (hanzi) and pinyin.

Feature requests, issues and pull requests are welcome!

## Installation

Add `hanyutils` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:hanyutils, "~> 0.1.0"}

Note that this package automatically generates functions based on a (large) file.
Therefore, compiling the dependency may take some time.

## Usage

This package defines two modules: `Pinyin` and `Hanzi`.
The former deals with pinyin, while the latter deals with hanzi.

Documentation about both modules can be found at [](
The most important provided functions are shown below.

### Hanzi

iex> Hanzi.is_character?("你")
iex> Hanzi.to_pinyin("你好")

## Pinyin

iex> Pinyin.prettify("ni3hao3")
iex> Pinyin.prettify("lve4")

## License