# HappyWith
Tiny syntax sugar around Elixir's `with` special form.
#### Why ?
Because I'm happy on how Elixir's `with` special form works,
and can get used to the `<-` arrow but I still dont like to
place commas between all the with expressions.
Back then before elixir 1.2 release, I implemented [happy](http://github.com/vic/happy) using case
expressions, it leaked variables as normal case expressions would do, and _overriding_ the standard
`=` operator turned out to have some [unexpected](https://github.com/vic/happy/issues/7) [issues](https://github.com/vic/happy/issues/8). Also, after using standard `with` a bit, I
really got to like it, except for the fact of having to place commas after expressions, so I wrote
`happy_with` which is a *very* tiny macro that just rewrites to Elixir's standard `with` special form.
## Installation
[Available in Hex](https://hex.pm/packages/happy_with), the package can be installed as:
1. Add happy_with to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:happy_with, "~> 0.0.1"}]
## Usage
import HappyWith
#### `happy_with` macro
happy_with do
{:ok, friend} <- retrieve_friend
name = String.downcase(friend)
_ -> "nobody"
rewrites into standard `with` form.
Only the last expression in the happy_with block is given to with's do.
with({:ok, friend} <- retrieve_friend,
name = String.downcase(friend))
_ -> "nobody"
IMHO the first one reads better.