# hardcache
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Hardcache is a Gleam module that provides primitives for caching key-value pairs in files and using files as caches.
## Examples
import hardcache
import gleam/float
import gleam/option
pub fn main() {
let cache = hardcache.new("./expensive", True)
case hardcache.try_get(cache, "expensive_calculation") {
Ok(option.None) -> {
let _ =
hardcache.try_set(cache, "expensive_calculation", float.to_string(0.1 +. 0.2))
_ -> Nil
## Installation
If available on the Hex package manager, you can add **hardcache** to your project by running the command below:
gleam add hardcache
Further documentation can be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/hardcache>.
## Development
gleam test # Run the tests