# HareMq
HareMq is an Elixir library for interacting with AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) systems, such as RabbitMQ. It provides modules for configuring connections, declaring queues and exchanges, publishing messages, and handling message retries.
## Modules
### HareMq.Configuration
The `HareMq.Configuration` module defines a configuration structure for AMQP connections and queues. It provides a function to retrieve queue configurations.
### HareMq.Connection
The `HareMq.Connection` module manages the connection to the AMQP server using the GenServer behavior. It handles connection monitoring and reconnects in case of failures.
### HareMq.Queue
The `HareMq.Queue` module provides functions for declaring and configuring queues, including binding, declaring regular, delayed, and dead-letter queues.
### HareMq.Exchange
The `HareMq.Exchange` module offers functions for declaring and binding exchanges, allowing users to set up routing between queues.
### HareMq.Publisher
The `HareMq.Publisher` module defines a behavior for publishing messages to an AMQP system. It includes connection handling, channel retrieval, and message publishing with a retry mechanism.
### HareMq.RetryPublisher
The `HareMq.RetryPublisher` module handles the republishing of messages with retry logic. It tracks the retry count in message headers and decides whether to republish to a delay queue or a dead letter queue.
### HareMq.Consumer
The `HareMq.Consumer` module defines a behavior for consuming messages from an AMQP system. It includes connection setup, channel declaration, and message consumption with error handling and retry mechanisms.
## Getting Started
To use HareMq in your Elixir project, follow these steps:
Install the required dependencies by adding them to your `mix.exs` file:
defp deps do
{:hare_mq, "~> 0.1.0"}
### Publisher
defmodule MyApp.MessageProducer do
use HareMq.Publisher,
routing_key: "routing_key",
exchange: "exchange"
# Function to send a message to the message queue.
def send_message(message) do
# Publish the message using the HareMq.Publisher behavior.
### Consumer
defmodule MyApp.MessageConsumer do
use HareMq.Consumer,
queue_name: "queue_name",
routing_key: "routing_key",
exchange: "exchange"
# Function to process a received message.
def consume(message) do
# Log the beginning of the message processing.
IO.puts("Processing message: #{inspect(message)}")
### Usage in Application: MyApp.Application
defmodule MyApp.Application do
use Application
def start(_type, _args) do
children = [
# Start the message consumer.
{MyApp.MessageConsumer, []},
# Start the message producer.
{MyApp.MessageProducer, []}
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
## Contributing and Testing
We welcome contributions to improve and expand this project. If you're interested in contributing, please follow these steps:
### Writing Tests
To ensure the stability and reliability of the project, we strongly encourage writing tests for any new features or bug fixes. Tests are crucial for maintaining the quality of the codebase and catching issues early in the development process.
We use [ExUnit](https://hexdocs.pm/ex_unit/ExUnit.html) for testing in Elixir. You can find the test files in the `test/` directory. Follow the existing test patterns and write new tests to cover the functionality you're adding or modifying.
### Running Tests
To run the tests, execute the following command in your terminal:
mix test