defmodule Harness.Pkg do
@moduledoc """
A behaviour for defining harness package modules.
Harness packages should add a `pkg.exs` to their root directory which
describes a single module which implements this behaviour.
@typedoc "A package module's struct"
@type t :: struct()
@doc """
A function to transform incoming opts (in keyword format) into a package's
struct (`t:t/0`).
The simplest `cast/1` is like so:
def cast(opts), do: struct(__MODULE__, opts)
@callback cast(opts :: Keyword.t()) :: t()
@doc """
A list of links to create from the .harness directory to project root.
The link can be a string path which will be created as a symlink or the
link can be a tuple with the path and an atom declaring the type of link as
`:sym` or `:hard`.
@callback links(t()) :: [Path.t() | {Path.t(), :sym | :hard}]
@optional_callbacks links: 1
defstruct [:path, :module, :config, :files, :name, :links]
def path(generator) do
otp_app = otp_app(generator)
|> Enum.find(fn %Mix.Dep{app: app} -> app == otp_app end)
|> Map.fetch!(:opts)
|> Keyword.fetch!(:dest)
|> Path.join("templates")
def otp_app(generator) do
case :application.get_application(generator) do
{:ok, otp_app} ->
:undefined ->
"Could not determine the otp app for " <>
inspect(generator) <>
".\n" <>
"You may need to fetch dependencies with \"mix harness.get\""