# Haytni

Haytni is a configurable authentication system for Phoenix, inspired (and yet the word is weak) by Devise (should be almost compatible with it).


* non-bloatware:
  + all logics are not located in controllers
  + minimize changes (upgrade)
* easily customisable and extendable:
  + enable (or disable) any plugin
  + add your own plugin(s) to the stack

The only things you install in your project are:

* migrations
* views (you may need some custom helpers for your templates)
* templates (for emails and web pages)

If you need your own feature(s), you write (and test) your own plugin(s):

* no need to change some obscur and very long code you may not understand, you just need to implement the callbacks that feet your needs
* your changes will not impact and break anything else (starting by tests)


* [authenticable]( (`Haytni.AuthenticablePlugin`): handles hashing and storing an encrypted password in the database
* [registerable]( (`Haytni.RegisterablePlugin`): the elements to create a new account or edit its own account
* [rememberable]( (`Haytni.RememberablePlugin`): provides "persistent" authentication (the "remember me" feature)
* [confirmable]( (`Haytni.ConfirmablePlugin`): accounts have to be validated by email
* [recoverable]( (`Haytni.RecoverablePlugin`): recover for a forgotten password
* [lockable]( (`Haytni.LockablePlugin`): automatic lock an account after a number of failed attempts to sign in
* [trackable]( (`Haytni.TrackablePlugin`): register users's connections (IP + when)

Documentation can be found at [](

Installation is described [here](