# HeartCheck
Checks your application health
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## Installation
Add heartcheck to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:heartcheck, "~> 0.3.0"}]
If you are using elixir < 1.5, ensure heartcheck is started before your
def application do
[applications: [:heartcheck]]
## Usage
### Defining your checks
Define your checks in module by using the `HeartCheck` macro module and invoking
the `HeartCheck.add/2` macro:
defmodule MyApp.HeartCheck do
use HeartCheck
add :some_check do
# TODO: perform some actual check here
add :another_check do
# TODO: perform some actual check here
{:error, "something went wrong"}
The checks can return one of the following terms:
* `:ok`
* `{:error, term}`
* `:error`
In the `{error, term}` case, a representation of `term` will be used as the
error message.
### Mounting in your web app
Then you can mount `HeartCheck.Plug` using the module defined above in your app
router (phoenix example below):
def MyApp.Router
use MyApp.Web, :router
# (...)
scope "/" do
pipe_through :browser
# (...)
forward "/monitoring", HeartCheck.Plug, heartcheck: MyApp.HeartCheck
Then your checks will be available at the `/monitoring` endpoint.
You can define a another module using `HeartCheck` and use it as your functional
monitoring in the router:
forward "/monitoring", HeartCheck.Plug, heartcheck: MyApp.HeartCheck,
functional: MyApp.FunctionalHeartCheck
This will be available in the `/monitoring/funcional` endpoint.
## Other checks
### Firewall Check
Use firewall check inside your heartcheck file to ensure your application is
able to connect to an external service. This will only open a TCP connection
to the defined host/port in the url and assert it can connect.
Timeout argument is optional and default is `1000` (1 second).
defmodule MyApp.HeartCheck do
use HeartCheck
firewall(service: "http://service.acme.org:3200",
another_service: Application.get_env(:my_app, :service_url))
firewall(my_domain: Application.get_env(:my_app, :url), timeout: 2000)
## Running tests and metrics:
To run the tests, simply execute:
$ mix test
To run coverage metrics and generate a html report in `cover/excoveralls.html`:
$ mix coveralls.html