# Hedgex
Posthog client for Elixir. WIP and highly experimental.
## Installation
def deps do
{:hedgex, "~> 0.3"}
## Getting Started
Configure the API:
config :hedgex,
public_endpoint: "https://us.i.posthog.com",
project_api_key: "abcde12345"
Send events:
# see `Hedgex.Capture` for more information
iex> Hedgex.capture(%{event: "foo_created", distinct_id: "user_12345"})
Issue API requests directly:
# provide creds dynamically
iex(1)> Hedgex.Api.capture(
...(1)> %{event: "foo_created", distinct_id: "user_12345", properties: %{}},
...(1)> hedgex: Hedgex.Env.new(public_endpoint: "...", project_api_key: "...")
...(1)> )
## Documentation
[Latest HexDocs](https://hexdocs.pm/hedgex/)
## FAQs
### Is it any good?