# HedwigSms

An SMS [Hedwig]( adapter powered by Twilio.

Refer to the [Create a Robot Module]( section for creating a bot.

## Configuration

Below is an example configuration

use Mix.Config

config :alfred, Alfred.Robot,
  adapter: Hedwig.Adapters.SMS,
  name: "alfred",
  account_sid: "", #your twilio sid
  auth_token: "", #your twilio auth token
  account_number: "+10000000000", # your twilio number
  responders: [
    {Hedwig.Responders.Help, []},
    {Hedwig.Responders.GreatSuccess, []},
    {Hedwig.Responders.ShipIt, []}

## Twilio Callback
Messages are received from Twilio using an HTTP callback. You can use the included `Hedwig.Adapters.SMS.Callback` module or define one yourself
as long as it calls `Hedwig.Adapters.SMS.handle_message/2` to send the message to the robot.

### Using the included server

To use the included callback with your robot, update your dependencies by including `plug` and `cowboy`:

  defp deps do
      {:cowboy, "~> 1.0"},
      {:plug, "~> 1.1"}

Next, Add cowboy to your list of applications:

  def application do
    [applications: [:logger, :hedwig, :cowboy]]

Finally, add `Hedwig.Adapters.SMS.Callback` to your supervision tree alongside your robot

    children = [
      worker(Alfred.Robot, []),
      worker(Hedwig.Adapters.SMS.Callback, [:alfred, Alfred.Robot])

The parameters are:
* `otp_app` - your otp app name (required)
* `robot_module` - your robot module. This and `otp_app` are used to get the name of your robot (required)
* `cowboy_options` - a keyword list of options to pass to cowboy (optional)

### Defining your own callback

If you are defining your own callback (for instance in a phoenix app), just make sure to call `Hedwig.Adapters.SMS.handle_message/2`

    def my_twilio_callback(conn, params) do
        case Hedwig.Adapters.SMS.handle_message("alfred", params) do
            {:error, reason} ->
                # Handle robot not found
            :ok ->
                # Message sent to robot.