# Heimdall

![Heimdall gif](

Heimdall is an API Gateway for Mesos and Marathon. It routes requests through
filters dynamically loaded from Marathon before forwarding them
to their intended services.

## Usage

When the application starts, it will attempt to register itself as a 
Marathon subscriber. Once registered as a callback, Heimdall will start 
listening for change events from Marathon, reloading its dynamic 
routing config on each change.

Dynamic routing configuration is done through Marathon labels. There are 4 
labels used to decide how a request gets routed for an app:
 * `` (required) - routes a request only if its host matches this value
 * `heimdall.path` (required) - path prefix the request must match (the prefix is stripped from the forwarded request)
 * `heimdall.filters` - a JSON list of plugs through which to filter the request before sending it back off
 * `heimdall.opts` - a JSON object of options that gets passed into each plug

Filters can be viewed as a pipeline of plugs (simple functions that take a 
request and return a changed request or a response), 
with the final plug forwarding the request to the place it actually needs
 to go. The pipeline is built in the order that the plugs are listed in the
config. In other words, if `heimdal.filters` is: `["Plugs.First", "Plugs.Second"]`
 the pipeline would have the following flow:

`Request -> Plugs.First -> Plugs.Second -> Heimdall.Plug.ForwardRequest -> Microservice`

Ideally, Heimdall should forward requests to a load balancer that knows how to
send each request to an actual instance of the microservice it's trying to get
to. Some recommended solutions for this are [traefik](, 
[Minuteman](, or your own
custom nginx config. The default forward url (ie the location of the load
balancer) is an OTP application setting, `:default_forward_url` (see `config/dev.exs`
for an example of the config). If you wish to set the forward location on 
a per service basis, you can set `forward_url` in `heimdall.opts` (this gets passed to 

## Installation

The package can be installed and used as an OTP application in your project:

  1. Add `heimdall` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

    def deps do
      [{:heimdall, "~> 0.1.0"}]

  2. Ensure `heimdall` is started before your application:

    def application do
      [applications: [:heimdall]]

  3. Create a plug through which to filter requests

    defmodule Plug.TestPlug do
      import Plug.Conn

      def init(opts), do: opts

      def call(conn, _opts) do
        |> put_req_header("some-header", "a header value")

  4. Add heimdall labels to your Marathon app config

    ``` json
      "id": "/test-app",
      "cmd": null,
      "cpus": 1,
      "labels": {
        "heimdall.path": "/test",
        "heimdall.options": "{\"forward_url\": \"http://localhost:8081/test\"}",
        "": "localhost",
        "heimdall.filters": "[\"Plug.TestPlug\", \"AnotherModule.SomeOtherPlug]",

  5. Start your server with `mix server`.
    **NOTE:** Marathon must be available, and Heimdall must be configured to
    reach it before you can start your server. See `config/dev.exs` for a 
    list of configurations.