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# Helix
### A Framework for Engineering Consciousness


### Supported By


### About

This project is undergoing some major changes right now. Stay frosty.

**Helix** is a framework for building multi-model, feedback-looping AI systems. It's like a **modular synthesizer** for **AI**. 

Read more about the concept [in this blog post]( In this analogy, if `GPT` is a module making a single tone, `Helix` is a rack full of modules feeding back into each other making a beautiful cacaphony.

You interact with Helix by using and writing **Task Modules**, which provide a single AI capability, and creating **Graphs**, which describe a network of those modules and their inputs and outputs.

Helix then loads the graph, runs all of the modules in their own seperate processes, handles communication between them, and provides a live web interface for interacting with them.

### Use Cases

Though the project has lofty goals, Helix as a framework may be practical for all sorts of uses, such as:

 * Building **feedback-driven**, **self-training** and **internally-adversarial** AI systems
 * Making **human-in-the-loop** and **human-out-of-the-loop** AI networks
 * Giving **real-world capabilities** (internet access, UNIX shells, robot controls) to AI systems
 * Designing **multi-modal AI** networks
 * **Unsupervised knowledge creation**

Helix is written in **Elixir** and provides a web interface with **Phoenix LiveView**.

## Installation and Basic Usage

**🚨🚨🚨 Warning! Helix, left unattended, may eat through OpenAI credits as fast as it can! 🚨🚨🚨**

_These instructions assume you have [Elixir installed](

First, clone this repository and `cd` into it.

Then, install the dependencies:

mix deps.get

Copy the environment template file:

cp .env.tpl .env

Next, get your [OpenAI API Keys]( and put them in `.env`, as well as another configuration settings you want to put.

Run the application with `source .env && mix phx.server`, or use the provided `` script. The application will now be running at localhost:4000.

### Using the Web Application

Once Helix is running, you can visit [localhost:4000](https://localhost:4000) to interact with it.

On the first screen, you can see all of your availble graphs:

<p align="center">
  <img height="600" src="">

Choose a graph from the dropdown to preview the rendered graph file. Press "Load Graph" to start the network.

On the next page, you can interact with your network (if it has LiveInput and LiveOutput modules in the graph.)

<p align="center">
  <img height="600" src="">

Notice that if your graph has multiple LiveInput targets, your can choose which to target using the dropdown. Each module in the graph will have it's own bubble color.

## Creating Your Own Graphs

Graphs are described a in DOT format. A very simple GPT feedback graph could be defined like so:

digraph Daoism{
  Ying [module=GPTModule, prompt="Breathe in."]
  Yang [module=GPTModule, prompt="Breathe out."]

  Ying -> Yang
  Yang -> Ying

However, DOT is quite limited by itself, so Graph files are actually Liquid templates used to create a DOT file. This makes it much easier to use variable assigns and loops, like so:

{% assign ying_prompt="Your last thought was '{Yang}'. You breathe in and think: " %}
{% assign yang_prompt="Your last thought was '{Ying}'. You breathe out and think: " %}

digraph Daoism{
  Ying [module=GPTModule, prompt="{{ying_prompt}}"]
  Yang [module=GPTModule, prompt="{{yang_prompt}}"]

  Ying -> Yang
  Yang -> Ying

Place your graphs in `./priv/graphs`.

### History Syntax

A simple syntax is provided for accessing historical inputs. If a module is receiving a signal from YourModule, you can reference it as `{YourModule}`. To reference the previous signal received from that module, reference it as `{YourModule.1}`, etc.

You can render the entire input/output history as `{HISTORY}`, and your can reference the input which triggered the current node execution as `{INPUT}`. This syntax is likely to expand and change.

## Available Modules

 - `GPTModule`
 - `GPTDecisionModule`
 - `BBTextModule`*
   - Uses the Bumblebee framework, but I don't have a GPU to test it properly.
 - `LiveInputModule`
 - `LiveOutputModule`
 - `ClockModule`
 - `AwaitModule`
 - `StartModule`
 - `PrintModule`
 - `PassthroughModule`

## Creating Your Own Modules

Creating a module is very simple. All a module must do is implement `handle_cast({:convey, event}, state)` to receive inputs from other modules, and at the end of that function call `convey(output_value, state)` to pass a message along.

So, the simplest passthrough module will be:

defmodule Helix.Modules.PassthroughModule do

  use Helix.Modules.Module

  def handle_cast({:convey, event}, state) do
    {:noreply, convey(event, state)}


## Dev TODO

 - ~~Create modified Heex/DOT template format~~
 - ~~Web Interface~~
    - Image representations
    - ~~LiveInput~~
    - ~~Choose Graph from folder, instantiate~~
 - ~~GPTModule templating syntax~~
 - Error Handling / `ErrorModule`
 - Logging, Saving and Restoring
 - Use DynamicSupervisor
 - More modules: `MixModule`, ~~`ClockModule`~~, ~~`OutputModule`~~, ~~`TextInputModule`~~
 - More modules: `ImageInputModule`, `StableDiffusionModule`, ~~`HuggingFaceModule`~~, `ImageOutputModule`, `WebSearchModule`, `WebExtractTextModule`, `UnixModule`, `GenModuleModule`, ~~`AwaitModule`~~, ~~`GPTDecisionModule`~~, various `Bumblebee` modules.
 - More more modules: `SaveFileModule`, `LoadFileModule`  
 - Refactor modules names.. don't need Module
 - Create GitHub pages blog
 - ~~"Guru" example (One Ying -> A Thousand Yangs -> One Ying, etc.)~~

## Ideas to explore

 - Persistent memory
 - Self-embedding
 - Access to the internet
 - Multi-modal stimuli
 - Self-Observing Solving a Puzzle
 - Recursive problem-solving
 - Beat the HF GPT detector
 - Rat in A Maze graph
 - Brainfuck Interpreter
   - This will require a cludge, since getting the character of a string at an index is not possible with pure OAI.
 - Computer Romance
   - Two 'Hers' in a relationship, where the feelings towards each other are based on a constantly-updating synopsis injected into their own prompts.

## Contributing

Please, feel free to play around with Helix! I encourage you to share your feedback, ideas, and experiments. Please use GitHub issues for this.

If you'd like to make code contributions or submit graphs/modules, please send a pull request. <!-- However, for me to accept pull requests into the project, you must agree that you assign me the copyright of your contribution. --> 

<!-- (I don't like having to do ask for copyright assignment, but I want to be retain the ability to relicense to something more permissive in the future while still maintaing a defense against parasitic corporations. If you want to discuss this further, feel free to open a meta-issue.) -->

## License

(c) Rich Jones, 2022+, AGPL.