
%% @doc
%% Hex HTTP API - Keys.


-type permission() :: #{binary() := binary()}.

%% @doc
%% Lists the user's or organization's API and repository keys.
%% Examples:
%% ```
%% > hex_api_key:list(hex_core:default_config()).
%% {ok, {200, ..., [#{
%%     <<"authing_key">> => true,
%%     <<"inserted_at">> => <<"2019-02-27T11:15:32Z">>,
%%     <<"last_use">> =>
%%         #{<<"ip">> => <<"">>,
%%           <<"used_at">> => <<"2019-02-27T14:38:54Z">>,
%%           <<"user_agent">> => <<"hex_core/0.5.0 (httpc) (OTP/21) (erts/10.2)">>},
%%     <<"name">> => <<"hex_core">>,
%%     <<"permissions">> => [#{<<"domain">> => <<"api">>,<<"resource">> => <<"read">>}],
%%     <<"revoked_at">> => nil,
%%     <<"updated_at">> => <<"2019-02-27T14:38:54Z">>,
%%     <<"url">> => <<"">>},
%%     }]}}
%% '''
%% @end
-spec list(hex_core:config()) -> hex_api:response().
list(Config) when is_map(Config) ->
    Path = hex_api:build_organization_path(Config, ["keys"]),
    hex_api:get(Config, Path).

%% @doc
%% Gets an API or repository key by name.
%% Examples:
%% ```
%% > hex_api_key:get(hex_core:default_config(), <<"test">>).
%% {ok, {200, ..., #{
%%     <<"authing_key">> => true,
%%     <<"inserted_at">> => <<"2019-02-27T11:15:32Z">>,
%%     <<"last_use">> =>
%%         #{<<"ip">> => <<"">>,
%%           <<"used_at">> => <<"2019-02-27T14:38:54Z">>,
%%           <<"user_agent">> => <<"hex_core/0.5.0 (httpc) (OTP/21) (erts/10.2)">>},
%%     <<"name">> => <<"hex_core">>,
%%     <<"permissions">> => [#{<<"domain">> => <<"api">>,<<"resource">> => <<"read">>}],
%%     <<"revoked_at">> => nil,
%%     <<"updated_at">> => <<"2019-02-27T14:38:54Z">>,
%%     <<"url">> => <<"">>},
%%     }}}
%% '''
%% @end
-spec get(hex_core:config(), binary()) -> hex_api:response().
get(Config, Name) when is_map(Config) and is_binary(Name) ->
    Path = hex_api:build_organization_path(Config, ["keys", Name]),
    hex_api:get(Config, Path).

%% @doc
%% Adds a new API or repository key.
%% A permission is a map of `#{<<"domain">> => Domain, <<"resource"> => Resource}'.
%% Valid `Domain' values: `<<"api">> | <<"repository">> | <<"repositories">>'.
%% Valid `Resource' values: `<<"read">> | <<"write">>'.
%% Examples:
%% ```
%% > hex_api_key:add(hex_core:default_config(), <<"test">>, [...]).
%% {ok, {200, ..., #{
%%     <<"authing_key">> => true,
%%     <<"inserted_at">> => <<"2019-02-27T11:15:32Z">>,
%%     <<"last_use">> =>
%%         #{<<"ip">> => <<"">>,
%%           <<"used_at">> => <<"2019-02-27T14:38:54Z">>,
%%           <<"user_agent">> => <<"hex_core/0.5.0 (httpc) (OTP/21) (erts/10.2)">>},
%%     <<"name">> => <<"hex_core">>,
%%     <<"permissions">> => [#{<<"domain">> => <<"api">>,<<"resource">> => <<"read">>}],
%%     <<"revoked_at">> => nil,
%%     <<"updated_at">> => <<"2019-02-27T14:38:54Z">>,
%%     <<"url">> => <<"">>},
%%     }}}
%% '''
%% @end
-spec add(hex_core:config(), binary(), [permission()]) -> hex_api:response().
add(Config, Name, Permissions) when is_map(Config) and is_binary(Name) and is_list(Permissions) ->
    Path = hex_api:build_organization_path(Config, ["keys"]),
    Params = #{<<"name">> => Name, <<"permissions">> => Permissions},
    hex_api:post(Config, Path, Params).

%% @doc
%% Deletes an API or repository key.
%% Examples:
%% ```
%% > hex_api_key:delete(hex_core:default_config(), <<"test">>).
%% {ok, {200, ..., #{
%%     <<"authing_key">> => true,
%%     <<"inserted_at">> => <<"2019-02-27T11:15:32Z">>,
%%     <<"last_use">> =>
%%         #{<<"ip">> => <<"">>,
%%           <<"used_at">> => <<"2019-02-27T14:38:54Z">>,
%%           <<"user_agent">> => <<"hex_core/0.5.0 (httpc) (OTP/21) (erts/10.2)">>},
%%     <<"name">> => <<"hex_core">>,
%%     <<"permissions">> => [#{<<"domain">> => <<"api">>,<<"resource">> => <<"read">>}],
%%     <<"revoked_at">> => nil,
%%     <<"updated_at">> => <<"2019-02-27T14:38:54Z">>,
%%     <<"url">> => <<"">>},
%%     }}}
%% '''
%% @end
-spec delete(hex_core:config(), binary()) -> hex_api:response().
delete(Config, Name) when is_map(Config) and is_binary(Name) ->
    Path = hex_api:build_organization_path(Config, ["keys", Name]),
    hex_api:delete(Config, Path).

%% @doc
%% Deletes all API and repository keys associated with the account.
%% Examples:
%% ```
%% > hex_api_key:delete_all(hex_core:default_config()).
%% {ok, {200, ..., [#{
%%     <<"authing_key">> => true,
%%     <<"inserted_at">> => <<"2019-02-27T11:15:32Z">>,
%%     <<"last_use">> =>
%%         #{<<"ip">> => <<"">>,
%%           <<"used_at">> => <<"2019-02-27T14:38:54Z">>,
%%           <<"user_agent">> => <<"hex_core/0.5.0 (httpc) (OTP/21) (erts/10.2)">>},
%%     <<"name">> => <<"hex_core">>,
%%     <<"permissions">> => [#{<<"domain">> => <<"api">>,<<"resource">> => <<"read">>}],
%%     <<"revoked_at">> => nil,
%%     <<"updated_at">> => <<"2019-02-27T14:38:54Z">>,
%%     <<"url">> => <<"">>},
%%     }]}}
%% '''
%% @end
-spec delete_all(hex_core:config()) -> hex_api:response().
delete_all(Config) when is_map(Config) ->
    Path = hex_api:build_organization_path(Config, ["keys"]),
    hex_api:delete(Config, Path).