# HexSearcher
A terminal program to search for Elixir package from **hex.pm**
## Installing
Fetch project dependency
$ mix deps.get
Build the executable file, it will build an executable file named **hex_searcher**
$ mix escript.build
## Usage
$ ./hex_searcher keyword
$ ./hex_searcher keyword page_number
## Examples
$ ./hex_searcher trot
| Hex Searcher |
| Package Name | Description | Version | Link | Download Counter |
| trot | A web micro-framework based on Plug and Cowboy. | 0.5.3 | https://hex.pm/packages/trot | 83 |
$ ./hex_searcher table
| Hex Searcher |
| Package Name | Description | Version | Link | Download Counter |
| blanket | Blanket covers your tables ! Don't loose your ETS tables with Elixir. | 0.3.1 | https://hex.pm/packages/blanket | 51 |
| butler_tableflip | Butler Plugin for flipping tables. | 0.0.2 | https://hex.pm/packages/butler_tableflip | 13 |
| coverex | Coverex is an Elixir Coverage tool used by mix. It provides tables with overviews of module and function coverage data, includings links ... | 1.4.8 | https://hex.pm/packages/coverex | 13,115 |
| ets_map | A Map-like Elixir data structure that is backed by an ETS table. | 0.0.1 | https://hex.pm/packages/ets_map | 2 |
| ex_bitcask | Elixir wrapper of Basho's Bitcask Key/Value store. Bitcask as a Log-Structured Hash Table for Fast Key/Value Data. | 0.1.0 | https://hex.pm/packages/ex_bitcask | 34 |
| table | ascii tables for cli | 0.0.3 | https://hex.pm/packages/table | 14 |
| table_rex | Generate configurable text-based tables for display (ASCII & more) | 0.5.0 | https://hex.pm/packages/table_rex | 13 |
$ ./hex_searcher eli 2
| Hex Searcher |
| Package Name | Description | Version | Link | Download Counter |
| rabbitElixir | Another Zawgyi <=> Unicode Converter | 1.0.1 | https://hex.pm/packages/rabbitElixir | 23 |
| relief | A collection of Elixir Stream oriented relief mechanisms. | 0.0.1 | https://hex.pm/packages/relief | 2 |
| relisa | Fast, simple, and composable deployment library for Elixir. | 0.1.0 | https://hex.pm/packages/relisa | 179 |
| sass_elixir | A SASS plugin for elixir projects | 0.0.1 | https://hex.pm/packages/sass_elixir | 205 |
| ssdb_elixir | SSDB client for Elixir | 0.2.2 | https://hex.pm/packages/ssdb_elixir | 73 |
| traitify_elixir | An Elixir client library for the Traitify API | 0.1.1 | https://hex.pm/packages/traitify_elixir | 24 |
| yaml_elixir | Yaml parser for Elixir based on native Erlang implementation. | 1.0.0 | https://hex.pm/packages/yaml_elixir | 656 |