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Basic API support and MIX tasks for Heroku support.

For full API docs please visit [](

## Warning

This is early work and few API and Mix commands have been finished. I am adding more every week(ish) though.
Some API functions *might* completely change between versions.

## Examples

	client = Hexoku.toolbelt
	client |> Hexoku.API.Apps.list

For complete info read the [Heroku API Reference](

## Mix Support

Hexoku adds some common Heroku commands to your Mix. It relies on [Heroku Toolbet]( being installed and logged in.

The application name is read from the heroku_app key in your `mix.exs` files project.
If that is not defined it falls back to the :app key.

	def project do
			app: :uberweb,
			heroku_app: "uberweb-staging"
			version: "0.0.1",
			elixir: "~> 1.0.0",
			deps: deps

### Examples

	bash> mix hexoku.config
		DOWNSTREAM_APP = myapp-production