# hipchat_elixir
HipChat client library for [Elixir](
Generated from HipChat Swagger API specifications in [ymtszw/hipchat_swagger](
Depends on `hackney` for HTTP client.
# Policy
- No state. Access tokens and other credentials should be retrieved/stored by caller applications.
- Relying HipChat cloud/server for parameter validations.
- Cover APIs used in server side only.
# Usage
0. Add [`:hipchat_elixir`]( as a dependency
1. Create client struct (e.g. ``).
- Pass `access_token` if the targeted API requires authentication.
- `access_token` can be one of four types (according to
[the doc](
- Add-on token (need OAuth2 flow beforehand)
- User token (need OAuth2 flow beforehand)
- Personal access token
- Room notification token
2. Pass the resultant client and other parameters to the targeted API function.
retrieve_access_token # Implementation is up to your app
|> Hipchat.V2.Api.send_room_notification(room_id, %{"message" => "Hello hipchat!"})
# {:ok, %Hipchat.Httpc.Response{body: "", headers: ..., status: 204}}
# Todo
- [ ] Generate other APIs.
- [ ] Helper for handling OAuth client ID and secrets to retrieve short-lived Add-on token or User token.
# License