# History
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Download and warehouse historical trading data

## Install

Add `history` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`

def deps do
    {:history, "~> 0.0.2"}

## Usage

$ docker-compose up

Visit [`history.localhost:4000`](http://history.localhost:4000)

## Features

### Import Products From Tai


### Download Historical Venue Data


### Visualize & Explore Data for Market Insights


## Development

$ docker-compose up db
$ mix phx.server

## Test

$ docker-compose up db
$ mix test

## Ecto Database

Reset drops the db, creates a new db & runs the migrations

$ mix ecto.reset

Migrate up

$ mix ecto.migrate

Migrate down

# Last migration
$ mix ecto.rollback
# Last 3 migrations
$ mix ecto.rollback -n 3