# HitPay
An Elixir client for HitPay Payment Gateway
## Installation
Add to your `mix.exs` the following lines
def deps do
{:hit_pay, "~> 0.2.2"}
## Configuration
To use HitPay API, we need to setup a dashboard account and configure api key and salt.
config :hit_pay,
api_key: System.get_env("HIT_PAY_API_KEY"),
salt: {MyApp.Config, :hit_pay_salt, []},
environment: "sandbox" # or "production"
config :hit_pay,
api_key: {:system, "HIT_PAY_API_KEY"},
salt: {:system, "HIT_PAY_SALT"},
environment: {:system, "HIT_PAY_ENVIRONMENT"}
You can also use the JSON libary of your choice, Jason is used by default
config :hit_pay, json_library: Poison
## Using the API
### To create a payment request
params = %{
email: "tan@thekirinlab.com",
redirect_url: "https://packargo.thekirinlab.com/hitpay/success",
webhook: "https://packargo.thekirinlab.com/hitpay/webhook",
amount: "599",
currency: "SGD"
### To get payment status
request_id = "93e61239-4334-42fc-be25-6c221b982699"
### To delete a payment request
request_id = "93e61239-4334-42fc-be25-6c221b982699"
### To verify webhook
"amount" => "35.00",
"currency" => "SGD",
"hmac" => "8ae5832ebc8ff5e794815e06b99cb7593dfa3e7b9e5f027f19e9af7f8442a55f",
"payment_id" => "93e85e66-7579-4144-b478-dedc79054385",
"payment_request_id" => "93e85e4f-101c-4947-bd93-e6392423c3d2",
"phone" => "",
"reference_number" => "FWBGCKSA",
"status" => "completed"
} |> HitPay.verify_webhook?()
## Documentation
More info can be found at [https://hexdocs.pm/hit_pay](https://hexdocs.pm/hit_pay).