# HitBTC Elixir API [![Hex pm](]( [![ downloads](](

HitBTC REST API V2 for Elixir.

[Documentation]( available on

## Installation

First add `hitbtc` to your `mix.exs` dependencies:

def deps do
    {:hitbtc, "~> 0.1.0"}

Then run `$ mix deps.get`.

For Elixir below version `1.3` add `:hitbtc` to your applications list.

def application do
  [applications: [:hitbtc]]

## Configuration

There are no lot of configuration options. For now only `request_timeout` option is available.
It will set default timeout for reply from HitBTC API. By default it set to `8` seconds

And your API keys also sh9ould be configured to use "private" APIs like `Hitbtc.Trading` and `Hitbtc.Account`
**If you will use only public APIs no need to configure API keys**

You could change it using your application `config.exs`:

use Mix.Config

config :hitbtc, request_timeout: 10_000

config :hitbtc, api_key: "api-key-here"
config :hitbtc, api_secret: "api-secret-here"

## Usage

Client contain set of actions for public usage (non account related).
And this actions could be used without auth config.

All public action are into `Hitbtc.Public`. All other methods require auth configuration.

Usage example:

iex(1)> Hitbtc.Public.symbol_list
  [%{baseCurrency: "BCN", feeCurrency: "BTC", id: "BCNBTC",
    provideLiquidityRate: "-0.0001", quantityIncrement: "100",
    quoteCurrency: "BTC", takeLiquidityRate: "0.001", tickSize: "0.0000000001"},
   %{baseCurrency: "BTC", feeCurrency: "EUR", id: "BTCEUR",
     provideLiquidityRate: "-0.0001", quantityIncrement: "0.01",
     quoteCurrency: "EUR", takeLiquidityRate: "0.001", tickSize: "0.01"},
   %{baseCurrency: "DCT", feeCurrency: "BTC", ...}, %{baseCurrency: "ANT", ...},
   %{...}, ...]}

## License

Copyright © 2017 Konstantin Zolotarev

This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.