# hocon
Parse [HOCON]( configuration files in Elixir following the HOCON specifications.

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## Basic usage

Assume the file `my-configuration.conf` exists and has the following content:
  home : /path/to/home
  timeout : 300
  logger {
    level = "DEBUG"

Then you can read and parse the HOCON-Configuration file:


    {:ok, body} ="my-configuration.conf")
    result = Hocon.decode(body)

    IO.puts inspect result

    {:ok, %{"home" => "path/to/home", "logger" => %{"level" => "DEBUG"}, "timeout" => 300}}   


The HOCON configuration is very powerfull and has a lot of nice features

  // you can use comments
  # you can concat arrays like this
  dirs += ${PWD}
  dirs += /working-folder
  # you can concat strings like this
  path : ${PWD}
  path : ${path}"/working-folder"
  # Here are several ways to define `a` to the same array value:
  // one array
  a : [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
  // two arrays that are concatenated
  a : [ 1, 2 ] [ 3, 4 ]
  // with self-referential substitutions
  a : [ 1, 2 ]
  a : ${a} [ 3, 4 ]
  # some nested objects:
  foo { bar { baz : 42 } }
  # you can build values with substitutions
  foo : { a : { c : 1 } }
  foo : ${foo.a}
  foo : { a : 2 }

After parsing you get this map as result (where PWD=/Users/micha/projects/elixir/hocon):


    "dirs" => ["/Users/micha/projects/elixir/hocon", "working-folder"],
    "path" => "/Users/micha/projects/elixir/hocon/working-folder"},
    "a" => [1, 2, 3, 4], 
    "foo" => %{"a" => 2, "bar" => %{"baz" => 42}, "c" => 1} 


## Spec Coverage

- [x] parsing JSON
- [x] comments
- [x] omit root braces
- [x] key-value separator
- [x] commas are optional if newline is present
- [x] whitespace
- [x] duplicate keys and object merging
- [x] unquoted strings
- [x] multi-line strings
- [x] value concatenation
- [x] object concatenation
- [x] array concatenation
- [x] path expressions
- [x] path as keys
- [x] substitutions
- [x] includes
- [x] conversion of numerically-indexed objects to arrays
- [ ] allow URL for included files
- [x] duration unit format
- [x] period unit format
- [x] size unit format