# holiday-jp


Japanese holiday.

This is an Clojure port of [holiday-jp/holiday_jp-ruby](, using holiday data of [holiday-jp/holiday_jp](

We support Clojure, Clojerl, Clojure CLR and ClojureScript.



## Installation

### Clojure, ClojureScript

Add to `deps.edn`.

{:deps {…
        com.github.holidayjp/holiday-jp-clj {:mvn/version "0.1.0"}}}

### Clojerl

Add to `rebar.config`.

{deps, […,
        {holiday-jp, {git, "", {branch, "main"}}}]}

### Clojure CLR

## Usage

`between` returns a vector of holidays between the start and the last.

(is (= [{:date #inst "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000-00:00"
         :week "金"
         :week_en "Friday"
         :name "元日"
         :name_en "New Year's Day"}]
       (holiday-jp/between #inst"2020-12-31" #inst"2021-01-02")))

`holiday?` detects the date is a holiday or not.

(is (holiday-jp/holiday? #inst"2021-01-01"))

(is (not (holiday-jp/holiday? #inst"2021-01-02")))

`on` returns a vector of holidays in the date.

(is (= [{:date #inst "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000-00:00"
         :week "金"
         :week_en "Friday"
         :name "元日"
         :name_en "New Year's Day"}]
       (holiday-jp/on #inst"2021-01-01")))