# Holidex

Holidex provides a purely functional API to retrieve statutory holidays by country. Effortlessly integrate holiday information into your applications.

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `holidex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:holidex, "~> 0.1.0"}

Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](
and published on [HexDocs]( Once published, the docs can
be found at [](

## Getting Started

You can start an interactive Elixir shell session (IEx) and explore the available functions. Start IEx:

iex -S mix

## Finding Usage Information

iex> h Holidex.get_countries
iex> h Holidex.get_holidays

## Retrieving Supported Countries

iex> Holidex.get_countries
iex> [%{name: "Canada", country_code: :ca}]

## Retrieving Holidays

To see the list of holidays in Canada for 2024
iex> Holidex.Countries.Canada.holidays(2024)

## Disclaimer

This project is in early and active development. Breaking changes are expected until a stable release is achieved. We appreciate your understanding and encourage you to contribute to the project during this phase.

## Contributing

We welcome contributions from the community! Whether it's a bug fix, new feature, or improvement, your input is valuable.

## How to Contribute

Open an Issue: Before you start working on your contribution, please open an issue to describe your suggestion or bug report. This helps us discuss the changes and guide you through the process.

## Roadmap

### Version 0.1.0 - Canadian Holidays

The current version supports major Canadian holidays, but is still not considered stable.

#### Features

- [x] Accurate date calculation
- [x] Observed date calculation (for holidays falling on weekends)
- [x] Accurate statutory holiday indication (Federal)
- [ ] Accurate statutory holiday indication (Regional)
- [ ] Accurate regional observances
- [ ] Consistent/stable functions API
- [ ] Public functions are well documented

### Version 0.2.0 - United States Holidays

- [ ] Implement major US federal holidays
- [ ] Add state-specific holidays
- [ ] Ensure accurate handling of US-specific holiday rules

### Future Versions

- [ ] Support for other countries
- [ ] Localization support for holiday names and descriptions

## License