
defmodule Holodex.Model.Video do
  @moduledoc false

  alias Holodex.Model

  defstruct [

  @typedoc """
  `Video` resource type definition. A map of atom keys and mostly UTF-8 binary values. 
  Can optionally contain a `channel` bare map.
  @type t() :: %__MODULE__{
          id: String.t(),
          title: String.t(),
          type: String.t(),
          topic_id: String.t(),
          published_at: String.t(),
          available_at: String.t(),
          duration: pos_integer(),
          status: String.t(),
		  live_tl_count: LiveTLCount.t(),
          start_scheduled: String.t(),
          start_actual: String.t(),
          end_actual: String.t(),
          live_viewers: pos_integer(),
          description: String.t(),
          songcount: pos_integer(),
          channel_id: String.t(),
          channel: Model.Channel.t() | nil,
          clips: [Model.Video.t()] | nil,
          sources: [Model.Video.t()] | nil,
          refers: [Model.Video.t()] | nil,
          simulcasts: [Model.Video.t()] | nil,
          mentions: [Model.Channel.t()] | nil,
          songs: number() | nil,
          comments: [Model.Comment.t()] | nil,
          recommendations: [Model.Video.t()] | nil

  defmodule LiveTLCount do
    @moduledoc """
    Struct containing translation counts per language.
    defstruct [:es, :en, :ko, :ja, :ru]

	@type t :: map() | nil | %{}