# HomeDash

HomeDash provides a simple way of presenting dashboard cards from various services.

This is still in early experimental stage.

## Setup

### Adding to deps

Add the home dash library to your deps in mix.exs

  {:home_dash, "~> 0.0"},

### Configuration

#### Starting the Provider servers yourself

You may want to start the Providers in your application, say for example if you have a provider that relys in another GenServer (like PubSub.)

config :home_dash, servers: false

### Hello World

HomeDash can be up and running with the example Welcome card provider by adding the following to the router:

scope "/home_dash", HomeDashWeb do
  pipe_through [:browser]

  live_session :cards, layout: {MyAppWeb.Layouts, :app} do
    live "/cards", CardsLive, :my_action

Now the welcome cards will be at `/home_dash/cards`.

### Configuring Providers

You can change the card providers in your config with the following:

config :home_dash,
  actions: [
    my_action: [{HomeDash.Providers.BrewDashTaps, [taps_url: ""]}]

Now the [BrewDash]( cards will be at `/home_dash/cards`.

### Multiple Providers

Multiple providers can be configured for the same live action

config :home_dash,
  actions: [
    my_action: [
      {HomeDash.Providers.BrewDashTaps, [taps_url: ""]}

Similarly, there can be multiple live actions

config :home_dash,
  actions: [
    welcome: [HomeDash.Providers.Welcome]
    brewdash: [
        {HomeDash.Providers.BrewDashTaps, [taps_url: ""]}

### Config options

* `:server_name` - Define the name that the server will be registered under. Defaults to the provider module name, e.g. `HomeDash.Providers.Welcome`. This is required if you have one provider that will be used with more than one configuration.

* `:sort_priority` - The integer value to be added to cards before sorting. Use this to push cards earlier or later in the sort order.

### Layout

Consider the spacing in your app layout (`MyAppWeb.Layouts`, `app.html.heex`). It is not uncommon to have `class="mx-auto max-w-2xl"` on your container `div` inside of `app.html.heex`, but for HomeDash, that may give you an overly restrictive container div. Removing width restrictions for your container div may provide better results.

### Tailwind

Since HomeDash requires Tailwind CSS, and Tailwind purges CSS classes it is not familair with, you will need to add HomeDash to your tailwind.config.js:

module.exports = {
  content: [

### Welcome Card Provider

The welcome card provider is an example implementation.

You can add additional welcome cards with:

  card_component: HomeDashWeb.Cards.Default,
  id: UUID.uuid4(),
  order: 4,
  data: %{title: "My New Card"}