# Honeybadger for Elixir

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Elixir Plug, Logger and client for the :zap: [Honeybadger error notifier](

## Getting Started

[<img src="" alt="ElixirSips" width=600/>](

[Watch our screencast]( by Josh Adams of [ElixirSips](!

### 1. Install the package

Prerequisites: minimum of Elixir 1.0 and Erlang 18.0

Add the Honeybadger package to `deps/0` and `application/0` in your
application's `mix.exs` file and run `mix do deps.get, deps.compile`

defp application do
 [applications: [:honeybadger, :logger]]

defp deps do
  [{:honeybadger, "~> 0.7"}]

### 2. Set your API key and environment name

By default the environment variable `HONEYBADGER_API_KEY` will be used to find
your API key to the Honeybadger API. If you would like to specify your key or
any other configuration options a different way, you can do so in `config.exs`:

config :honeybadger,
  api_key: "sup3rs3cr3tk3y"

We also need to set the name of the environment for each environment. This
ensures that we can accurately report the environment that an error occurs in.
You can add something like the following to each of your `#{env}.exs` files:

config :honeybadger,
  environment_name: :dev

If `environment_name` is not set we will fall back to the value of `Mix.env()`.
`Mix.env()` uses the atomized value of the `MIX_ENV` environment variable and
defaults to `:dev` when the environment variable is not set. This should be good
for most setups. If you want to have an environment_name which is different than
the `Mix.env()`, you should set `environment_name` in your `config.exs` files for each
environment. This ensures that we can give you accurate environment information
even during compile time. Explicitly setting the `environment_name` config
takes higher precedence over the `Mix.env()` value.

### 3. Enable error reporting

The Honeybadger package can be used as a Plug alongside your Phoenix
applications, as a logger backend, or as a standalone client for sprinkling in
exception notifications where they are needed.

#### Phoenix and Plug

The Honeybadger Plug adds a
to your pipeline. Simply `use` the `Honeybadger.Plug` module inside of a Plug
or Phoenix.Router and any crashes will be automatically reported to
Honeybadger. It's best to `use Honeybadger.Plug` **after the Router plugs** so that
exceptions due to non-matching routes are not reported to Honeybadger.

##### Phoenix app

defmodule MyPhoenixApp.Router do
  use Crywolf.Web, :router
  use Honeybadger.Plug

  pipeline :browser do

##### Plug app

defmodule MyPlugApp do
  use Plug.Router
  use Honeybadger.Plug

  [... the rest of your plug ...]

#### Logger

Just set the `use_logger` option to `true` in your application's `config.exs`
and you're good to go! Any
[SASL]( compliant
processes that crash will send an error report to the `Honeybadger.Logger`.
After the error reaches the logger we take care of notifying Honeybadger for

#### Manual reporting

You can manually report rescued exceptions with the  `Honeybadger.notify` function.

try do! "this_file_really_should_exist_dang_it.txt"
  exception ->

## Sample Application

If you'd like to see the module in action before you integrate it with your apps, check out our [sample Phoenix application](

You can deploy the sample app to your Heroku account by clicking this button:


Don't forget to destroy the Heroku app after you're done so that you aren't
charged for usage.

The code for the sample app is [available on Github](, in case you'd like to read through it, or run it locally.

## Filtering Sensitive Data

Before data is sent to Honeybadger, it is passed through a filter to remove sensitive fields and do other processing on the data.  The default configuration is equivalent to:

config :honeybadger,
  filter: Honeybadger.Filter.Default,
  filter_keys: [:password, :credit_card]

This will remove any entries in the context, session, cgi_data and params that match one of the filter keys.  The filter is case insensitive and matches atoms or strings.

If `Honeybadger.Filter.Default` does not suit your needs, you can implement your own filter. See the `Honeybadger.Filter.Mixin` module doc for details on implementing your own filter.

## Advanced Configuration

You can set configuration options in `config.exs`. It looks like this:

config :honeybadger,
  api_key: "sup3rs3cr3tk3y",
  environment_name: :prod

Here are all of the options you can pass in the keyword list:

| Name         | Description                                                               | Default |
| api_key      | Your application's Honeybadger API key                                    | System.get_env("HONEYBADGER_API_KEY"))` |
| environment_name | (required) The name of the environment your app is running in.                   | nil |
| app          | Name of your app's OTP Application as an atom                             | Mix.Project.config[:app] |
| use_logger   | Enable the Honeybadger Logger for handling errors outside of web requests | true |
| exclude_envs | Environments that you want to disable Honeybadger notifications           | [:dev, :test] |
| hostname     | Hostname of the system your application is running on                     | :inet.gethostname |
| origin       | URL for the Honeybadger API                                               | "" |
| project_root | Directory root for where your application is running                      | System.cwd |
| filter       | Module implementing `Honeybadger.Filter` to filter data before sending to         | `Honeybadger.Filter.Default`|
| filter_keys  | A list of keywords (atoms) to filter.  Only valid if `filter` is `Honeybadger.Filter.Default` | [:password, :credit_card] |
| filter_disable_url | If true, will remove the request url | false |
| filter_disable_session | If true, will remove the request session | false |
| filter_disable_params | If true, will remove the request params | false |
| notice_filter       | Module implementing `Honeybadger.NoticeFilter`. If `nil`, no filtering is done. | `Honeybadger.NoticeFilter.Default`|

## Public Interface

### `Honeybadger.notify`: Send an exception to Honeybadger.

Use the `Honeybadger.notify/2` function to send exception information to the
collector API.  The first parameter is the exception and the second parameter
is the context/metadata. There is also a `Honeybadger.notify/1` which doesn't require the second parameter.

#### Examples:

try do! "this_file_really_should_exist_dang_it.txt"
  exception ->
    context = %{user_id: 5, account_name: "Foo"}
    Honeybadger.notify(exception, context)


### `Honeybadger.context/1`: Set metadata to be sent if an error occurs

`Honeybadger.context/1` is provided for adding extra data to the notification
that gets sent to Honeybadger. You can make use of this in places such as a Plug
in your Phoenix Router or Controller to ensure useful debugging data is sent along.

#### Examples:

def MyPhoenixApp.Controller
  use MyPhoenixApp.Web, :controller

  plug :set_honeybadger_context

  def set_honeybadger_context(conn, _opts) do
    user = get_user(conn)
    Honeybadger.context(user_id:, account:

`Honeybadger.context/1` stores the context data in the process dictionary, so
it will be sent with errors/notifications on the same process. The following
`Honeybadger.notify/1` call will not see the context data set in the previous line.

Honeybadger.context(user_id: 5)
Task.start(fn ->
  # this notify does not see the context set earlier
  # as this runs in a different elixir/erlang process.
  Honeybadger.notify(%RuntimeError{message: "critical error"})


## Proxy configuration

If your server needs a proxy to access honeybadger, add the following to your config

config :honeybadger,
  proxy: "url",
  proxy_auth: {"username", "password"}

## Testing your Honeybadger setup in dev

1. Set the HONEYBADGER_API_KEY as documented above
2. Remove `:dev` from the `excluded_envs` by adding this to your config/dev.exs
config :honeybadger,
  exclude_envs: [:test]
3. Run the `mix honeybadger.test` mix task task to simulate an error

## Version requirements
- Erlang >= 18.0
- Elixir >= 1.3
- Plug >= 1.0
- Phoenix >= 1.0 (This is an optional dependency and the version requirement applies only if you are using Phoenix)

## Changelog


## Contributing

If you're adding a new feature, please [submit an
issue]( as a
preliminary step; that way you can be (moderately) sure that your pull request
will be accepted.

### To contribute your code:

1. Fork it.
2. Create a topic branch `git checkout -b my_branch`
3. Commit your changes `git commit -am "Boom"`
4. Update the
5. Push to your branch `git push origin my_branch`
6. Send a [pull request](

### Publishing a release on

1. Update the version property in `mix.exs`
2. Create a git commit with all the changes so that your working directory is clean
3. Run `mix release` from your terminal, which will do the following:
    1. Upload the new version of honeybadger to
    2. Create a git tag with the version number and push it to GitHub

### License

This library is MIT licensed. See the
file in this repository for details.