# Hook
A term resolution library.
Dynamic, ancestor-walking, fallback following, group isolated, runtime term resolution that can be
compiled out for zero performance cost where desired.
To understand what Hook does check the [Examples](https://hexdocs.pm/hook/examples.html#content)
documentation. For reference and further understanding check
[Hook](https://hexdocs.pm/hook/Hook.html)'s documentation.
## Motivation
The development of Hook was motivated by a desire for variety of and flexibility in tools relevant
to testing across boundaries and among side effects, though its functionality facilitates more
than that use case.
Hook was inspired by [Mox](https://github.com/dashbitco/mox) and
[Pact](https://github.com/BlakeWilliams/pact). The requirement of behaviours by Mox and the lack
of concurrency support and Mox-like assertion functionality in Pact left us desiring something
### Notable differences
From Mox:
- Behaviours are not required to enforce that defined callbacks match public functions on
indicated modules.
- Runtime resolution framework included.
From Pact:
- First class callbacks and assertions.
- Runtime resolution can be compiled out.
- Resolution can walk process ancestors and follow fallbacks.
- Resolution calls are not serialized and go concurrently through ets.