# HtmlQuery
Some simple HTML query functions.
Delegates the hard work to [Floki](https://hex.pm/packages/floki).
iex> alias HtmlQuery, as: Hq
iex> html = """
<form id="profile" test-role="profile">
<label>Name <input name="name" type="text" value="Fido"> </label>
<label>Age <input name="age" type="text" value="10"> </label>
<label>Bio <textarea name="bio">Fido likes long walks and playing fetch.</textarea> </label>
iex> html |> Hq.find!(test_role: "profile")
{"form", [{"id", "profile"}, {"test-role", "profile"}],
{"label", [], [ "Name ", {"input", [{"name", "name"}, {"type", "text"}, {"value", "Fido"}], []} ]},
{"label", [], [ "Age ", {"input", [{"name", "age"}, {"type", "text"}, {"value", "10"}], []} ]},
{"label", [], [ "Bio ", {"textarea", [{"name", "bio"}], ["Fido likes long walks and playing fetch."]} ]}
iex> html |> Hq.all("input[type=text]") |> Enum.map(&Hq.attr(&1, "value"))
["Fido", "10"]
iex> html |> Hq.find(test_role: "profile") |> Hq.form_fields()
%{age: "10", bio: "Fido likes long walks and playing fetch.", name: "Fido"}
## API Docs
## Installation
def deps do
{:html_query, "~> 0.8"}