# HTTPoison [](https://travis-ci.org/edgurgel/httpoison) [](https://hex.pm/packages/httpoison)
HTTP client for Elixir, based on [HTTPotion](https://github.com/myfreeweb/httpotion)
## But... why something so similar to HTTPotion?
HTTPoison uses hackney to execute HTTP requests instead of ibrowse. I like hackney :thumbsup:
Using hackney we work only with binaries instead of string lists.
## Installation
1. Adding HTTPoison to your `mix.exs` dependencies:
def deps do
[ {:httpoison, "~> 0.4"} ]
2. List `:httpoison` as your application dependencies:
def application do
[applications: [:httpoison]]
## Usage
iex> HTTPoison.start
{:ok, [:crypto, :asn1, :public_key, :ssl, :idna, :hackney, :httpoison]}
iex> HTTPoison.get "http://httparrot.herokuapp.com/get"
%HTTPoison.Response{body: "{\n \"args\": {},\n \"headers\": {\n \"host\": \"httparrot.herokuapp.com\",\n \"connection\": \"close\",\n \"user-agent\": \"hackney/0.12.1\",\n \"x-request-id\": \"690c0c03-c42c-4781-bfa1-97ae0a1e6e05\",\n \"x-forwarded-for\": \"\",\n \"x-forwarded-proto\": \"http\",\n \"x-forwarded-port\": \"80\",\n \"via\": \"vegur\",\n \"connect-time\": \"3\",\n \"x-request-start\": \"1398767078381\",\n \"total-route-time\": \"0\",\n \"content-length\": \"0\"\n },\n \"url\": \"http://httparrot.herokuapp.com/get\",\n \"origin\": \"\"\n}",
headers: %{"connection" => "keep-alive", "content-length" => "517",
"content-type" => "application/json",
"date" => "Tue, 29 Apr 2014 10:24:38 GMT", "server" => "Cowboy",
"via" => "vegur"}, status_code: 200}
iex> HTTPoison.get "http://localhost:1"
** (HTTPoison.HTTPError) econnrefused
(httpoison) lib/httpoison.ex:131: HTTPoison.request/5
You can also easily pattern match on the Response struct:
case HTTPoison.get(url) do
%HTTPoison.Response{status_code: 200, body: body} ->
IO.puts body
%HTTPoison.Response{status_code: 404} ->
IO.puts "Not found :("
You can also extend it to make cool API clients or something (this example uses [jsex](https://github.com/talentdeficit/jsex) for JSON):
defmodule GitHub do
use HTTPoison.Base
def process_url(url) do
"https://api.github.com/" <> url
def process_response_body(body) do
json = JSEX.decode! body
json = Enum.map json, fn ({k, v}) -> { String.to_atom(k), v } end
iex> GitHub.start
iex> GitHub.get("users/myfreeweb").body[:public_repos]
And now with async!
iex> HTTPoison.get "http://floatboth.com", [], [stream_to: self]
%HTTPoison.AsyncResponse{id: #Reference<>}
iex> flush
{:ssl_closed, {:sslsocket, {:gen_tcp, #Port<0.5438>, :tls_connection}, #PID<0.143.0>}}
%HTTPoison.AsyncStatus{code: 200, id: #Reference<>}
%HTTPoison.AsyncHeaders{headers: %{"CF-RAY" => "122ace7ae0f00b08-SYD", "Connection" => "keep-alive", "Content-Type" => "text/html; charset=utf-8", "Date" => "Tue, 29 Apr 2014 10:27:22 GMT",
"Server" => "cloudflare-nginx", "Set-Cookie" => "__cfduid=d8491e9bdd48e92628c4f529e028083841398767241423; expires=Mon, 23-Dec-2019 23:50:00 GMT; path=/; domain=.floatboth.com; HttpOnly",
"Transfer-Encoding" => "chunked"}, id: #Reference<>}
%HTTPoison.AsyncChunk{chunk: "<!DOCTYPE html><html lang=\"en\"><head><meta charset=\"utf-8\" /><meta content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0\" name=\"viewport\" /><title>{ float: both }</title><link href=\"/style.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" /><link href=\"/articles.xml\" rel=\"alternate\" type=\"application/atom+xml\" /></head><body class=\"landing\"><section><div class=\"logo-wrapper\"><img alt=\"float: both\" class=\"logo\" src=\"/static/logo-white.svg\" title=\"float: both\" /></div><p>Welcome to { float: both }.</p>\n\n<p>This is some kind of personal website… for some kind of person.\nHow exactly are they different from any other person?\nWhile no one has tried to study the exact difference, some observations have been made. If you follow this person on <a href=\"https://alpha.app.net/myfreeweb\" rel=\"me\" class=\"secret\">a certain social media service</a>, you might be able to know them better.\nAlso, a particular government agency used its big data analysis tools on this person, as they do with every single human being who could not resist using the amazing thing we know as the internet, and the keywords they have associated with this person are the following, in no particular order: programming, design, gadgets, music, security, typography, privacy, accessibility, photography, web, procrastination, technology, <em>REDACTED</em>.</p>\n</section><section><ul id=\"posts\"><li><a href=\"/the-problem-with-push-notifications\">The Problem with Push Notifications</a></li><li><a href=\"/where-i-think-about-plain-text\">where I think about plain text</a></li><li><a href=\"/where-i-have-ideas-about-blogging\">where I have ideas about blogging</a></li><li><a href=\"/where-i-compare-python-and-ruby\">where I compare Python & Ruby</a></li><li><a href=\"/where-i-remember-not-everything\">where I remember not everything</a></li><li><a href=\"/where-i-think-about-auth\">where I think about authentication</a></li><li><a href=\"/where-i-set-up-my-git-and-hg-aliases-like-a-boss\">where I set up my git & hg aliases</a></li><li><a href=\"/where-i-introduce-devproxy\">where I introduce devproxy</a></li><li><a href=\"/where-i-compare-saas-to-something\">where I compare SAAS to something</a></li></ul></section></body></html>",
id: #Reference<>}
%HTTPoison.AsyncEnd{id: #Reference<>}
More examples of usage on test files inside the `test/` directory.
## License
Copyright © 2013-2014 Eduardo Gurgel <eduardo@gurgel.me>
This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.