# HTTPotion [![ version](]( [![ downloads](]( [![API Docs](]( [![Build Status](]( [![unlicense](](

HTTP client for [Elixir], based on [ibrowse].
Continues the HTTPun tradition of [HTTParty], [HTTPretty], [HTTParrot] and [HTTPie].

## Installation

Add HTTPotion to your project's dependencies in `mix.exs`:

  defp deps do
      {:httpotion, "~> 3.0.2"}

  def application do
    [ applications: [:httpotion] ]
    # Application dependency auto-starts it, otherwise: HTTPotion.start

And fetch your project's dependencies:

$ mix deps.get

## Usage

*Note*: You can load HTTPotion into the Elixir REPL by executing this command from the root of your project:

$ iex -S mix

Some basic examples:

iex> response = HTTPotion.get ""
%HTTPotion.Response{body: "...", headers: [Connection: "keep-alive", ...], status_code: 200}

iex> HTTPotion.Response.success?(response)

# HTTPotion also supports querystrings like
iex> HTTPotion.get("", query: %{page: 2})
%HTTPotion.Response{body: "...", headers: [Connection: "keep-alive", ...], status_code: 200}

# Form data
iex> "", [body: "hello=" <> URI.encode_www_form("w o r l d !!"),
  headers: ["User-Agent": "My App", "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"]]
%HTTPotion.Response{body: "...", headers: [Connection: "keep-alive", ...], status_code: 200}

iex> HTTPotion.request :propfind, "", [body: "I have no idea what I'm doing"]
%HTTPotion.Response{body: "...", headers: [Connection: "keep-alive", ...], status_code: 405}

iex> HTTPotion.get "", [basic_auth: {"foo", "bar"}]
%HTTPotion.Response{body: "...", headers: ["Access-Control-Allow-Credentials": "true", ...], status_code: 200}

# Passing options to ibrowse (note that it usually takes char_lists, not elixir strings)
iex> HTTPotion.get "", [ ibrowse: [ proxy_host: 'fc81:6134:ba6c:8458:c99f:6c01:6472:8f1e', proxy_port: 8118 ] ]
%HTTPotion.Response{body: "...", headers: [Connection: "keep-alive", ...], status_code: 200}

# The default timeout is 5000 ms, but can be changed
iex> HTTPotion.get "", [timeout: 10_000]

# If there is an error a `HTTPotion.ErrorResponse` is returned
iex> HTTPotion.get "http://localhost:1"
%HTTPotion.ErrorResponse{message: "econnrefused"}

# You can also raise `HTTPError` with the `bang` version of request
iex> HTTPotion.get! "http://localhost:1"
** (HTTPotion.HTTPError) econnrefused

The `Response` is [a struct]( – you access its fields like this: `response.body`.

`response.headers` is a `HTTPotion.Headers` struct that provides case-insensitive access (so you can use `response.headers[:authorization]` and it doesn't matter if the server returned `AuThOrIZatIOn` or something).

`HTTPError` is [an exception]( that happens when the request fails.

*Note*: the API changed in 2.0.0, body and headers are options now!

Available options and their default value:

  body: "",                # Request's body contents Ex.: "{json: \"string\"}"
  headers: [],             # Request's headers. Ex.: ["Accepts" => "application/json"]
  timeout: 5000,           # Timeout in milliseconds Ex: 5000
  ibrowse: [],             # ibrowse options
  follow_redirects: false, # Specify whether redirects should be followed
  stream_to: nil,          # Specify a process to stream the response to when performing async requests
  basic_auth: nil,         # Basic auth credentials. Ex.: {"username", "password"}


### Metaprogramming magic

You can extend `HTTPotion.Base` to make cool API clients or something (this example uses [jsx] for JSON):

defmodule GitHub do
  use HTTPotion.Base

  def process_url(url) do
    "" <> url

  def process_request_headers(headers) do
    Dict.put headers, :"User-Agent", "github-potion"

  def process_response_body(body) do
    body |> IO.iodata_to_binary |> :jsx.decode
    |> fn ({k, v}) -> { String.to_atom(k), v } end
    |> :orddict.from_list

iex> GitHub.get("users/myfreeweb").body[:public_repos]

Read the source to see all the hooks.
It's not intimidating at all, pretty easy to read actually :-)

Don't forget that `IO.iodata_to_binary` is called by default in `process_response_body` and `process_response_chunk`, you'll probably need to call it too.

### Asynchronous requests

Hey, we're on the Erlang VM, right?
Every serious OTP app probably makes a lot of these.
It's easy to do in HTTPotion.

iex> HTTPotion.get "", [stream_to: self]
%HTTPotion.AsyncResponse{id: {1372,8757,656584}}

iex> flush
%HTTPotion.AsyncHeaders{id: {1372,8757,656584}, status_code: 200, headers: ["Transfer-Encoding": "chunked", ...]}
%HTTPotion.AsyncChunk{id: {1372,8757,656584}, chunk: "<!DOCTYPE html>\n..."}
%HTTPotion.AsyncEnd{id: {1372,8757,656584}}

Note that instead of `process_response_body`, `process_response_chunk` is called on the chunks before sending them out to the receiver (the `stream_to` process).

### Direct access to ibrowse workers

ibrowse allows you to use its separate worker processes directly.
We expose this functionality through the `direct` option.

Don't forget that you have to pass the URL to the worker process, which means the worker only communicates with one server (domain!)

iex> {:ok, worker_pid} = HTTPotion.spawn_worker_process("")

iex> HTTPotion.get "", [direct: worker_pid]
%HTTPotion.Response{body: "...", headers: ["Connection": "close", ...], status_code: 200}

You can even combine it with async!

iex> {:ok, worker_pid} = HTTPotion.spawn_worker_process("")

iex> "", [direct: worker_pid, stream_to: self, headers: ["User-Agent": "hello it's me"]]
%HTTPotion.AsyncResponse{id: {1372,8757,656584}}


## Contributing

Please feel free to submit pull requests!

By participating in this project you agree to follow the [Contributor Code of Conduct](

[The list of contributors is available on GitHub](

## License

This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.  
For more information, please refer to the `UNLICENSE` file or [](