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Elixir HTTP client with plug like processors.

## Quick Setup

> HTTPX.get("", headers: [{"user-agent", "curl"}])
   body: "\n",
   headers: [
     {"Date", "Sun, 28 Apr 2019 07:08:25 GMT"},
     {"Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8"},
     {"Content-Length", "14"},
     {"Connection", "keep-alive"},
      "__cfduid=...; expires=Mon, 27-Apr-20 07:08:25 GMT; path=/;; HttpOnly"},
     {"Via", "1.1 vegur"},
      "max-age=604800, report-uri=\"\""},
     {"Server", "cloudflare"},
     {"CF-RAY", "...-LHR"}
   status: 200

## Installation

The package can be installed
by adding `httpx` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:httpx, "~> 0.1.0"}]

The docs can
be found at [](

## Settings

### Pool

HTTPX will by default use a connection pool named `:default`
to reuse connections.

Sometimes reusing connections can lead to unexpected results,
therefore it is possible to disable to the default pool by setting:

config :httpx, default_pool: false

It is also possible to chang the default pool name by setting:

config :httpx, default_pool: :custom_pool_name
_(Note: the name needs to be an atom.)_

### SSL / TLS

SSL options can be passed as `:ssl_options`.

Certificate validation is always performed with the CA bundle adapted from Mozilla by  in the [certifi]( package.

By default certificates are verified to a a depth of level 2, which means the path can be PEER, CA, CA, ROOT-CA, and so on.

To disable verification pass `verify: :verify_none`.

For more options see
[Erlang SSL Options (COMMON)](
[Erlang SSL Options (CLIENT)](

## Logging

## Processors

Processors allow users to change or update requests,
during a request lifetime.

Processors are applied to all requests by `HTTPX` and
are an ideal way to insert tracking or metrics.

### Configure

The processors can be given as a list, which will be applied in order.

config :httpx, processors: [Example.Processor]

Processors will be optimized on startup and can't be dynamically added or removed.

If such functionality is required, then the following flag needs to be set:

config :httpx, dynamic: true

### Processor Lifetime

The lifetime of a processor is:
`init/1` => `pre_request/2` => `post_request/2` => `post_parse/2`.

The `init/1`, might be called multiple times,
but no more than once per request.

### Hooks

Each processor can use the following hooks:

#### init/1

The `init/1` hook is called to let the processor configure itself.

In the optimized version the `init/1` hook is only called once.
The `init/1` can be called once per request,
when `:httpx` is running in dynamic mode.

For example configuring a tracking header:
@impl HTTPX.Processor
def init(opts) do
  header = Keyword.get(opts, :tracking_header, "example")

  {:ok, %{header: header}}

#### pre_request/2

The `pre_request/2` hook is called before the request is performed.
It can be used to change
or add to the details of a request, before it is

For example this adds a custom tracking header to all requests:
@impl HTTPX.Processor
def pre_request(req = %{headers: req_headers}, %{header: header}) do
  {:ok, %{req | headers: [{header, "..."} | req_headers]}}
(Note the `header` comes from the `init/1` above.)

#### post_request/2

The `post_request/2` hook is called after the request is performed,
but before the response is parsed.

#### post_parse/2

The `post_parse/2` hook is called after the response is parsed.

### Example

This module will redirect all requests to
`` and parse only the IP
in the result.

This module has no real life use and is just
an example.
defmodule MyProcessor do
  use HTTPX.Processor

  @impl HTTPX.Processor
  def pre_request(req, opts) do
    {:ok, %{req | url: ""}}

  @match ~r/<code class=\"ip\">(.*)<\/code>/

  @impl HTTPX.Processor
  def post_parse(%{body: body}, _opts) do
    case, body) do
      [_, m] -> {:ok, m}
      _ -> :ok

  def post_parse(_, _), do: :ok

## Streaming

## Changelog

### 0.1.0 (2019-04-x)

New features:

* `HTTPX.Request` module to store request information and allow for request replays.
* `HTTPX.Auth` can now modify more than headers.
* Processors that allow for modifications to requests on a project/application level.
* Configure (or disable) the default pool.


* `HTTPX.Auth` now applies to a `HTTPX.Request` and not a tuple.
* `HTTPX.Auth` now returns a [modified] `HTTPX.Request` and not a list of headers.
* SSL certificates are now verified by default. Use `config :httpx, ssl_verify: false` to disable verification.


* On load HTTPX optimizes the configured processors.

Bug fixes:

* ...

## License

_HTTPX_ source code is released under [the MIT License](LICENSE).
Check [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for more information.