# HubIdentityElixir

An Elixir Package designed to make implementing HubIdentity authentication easy and fast.
In order to use this package you need to have an account with [HubIdentity](

Currently this is only for [Hivelocity]( uses. If you have a
commercial interest please contact the Package Manager Erin Boeger through linkedIn or Github or
through [Hivelocity](

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `hub_identity_elixir` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:hub_identity_elixir, "~> 0.1.0"}
## Setup

Setup your configuration in `config.exs, dev.exs, prod.exs` etc:

config :hub_identity_elixir, :url, # Either staging, production, or localhost
config :hub_identity_elixir, :public_key, # The public key from HubIdentity

Inside your Router add `use HubIdentityElixir.Phoenix.Router` and include
the `hub_identity_routes()`

in `router.exs`:

defmodule MyAppWeb.Router do
  use MyAppWeb, :router
  use HubIdentityElixir.Phoenix.Router # <- Add HubIdentity Router

  # router stuff..

  scope "/", MyAppWeb do
    pipe_through :browser

    hub_identity_routes()  # <- Add HubIdentity routes
    get "/", PageController, :index
This will add the following routes to your application:
- session_path  DELETE  /sessions/logout HubIdentityElixir.Phoenix.SessionController :delete
- session_path  GET     /sessions/new    HubIdentityElixir.Phoenix.SessionController :new
- session_path  GET     /sessions/create HubIdentityElixir.Phoenix.SessionController :create

If you want a `@current_user` helper then add `plug :fetch_current_user` to your pipeline.

## Logging a user out
It is recommended to allow two logout options.
- Logout from your Application
- Logout from HubIdentity

Both use the same logout path `sessions_destroy`

### Logout from your Application
This will clear the users session and still allow a user to login using a HubIdentity
cookie (if the cookie persists). This will allow a user who is authenticated at HubIdentity
to continue to use applications which use HubIdentity until the cookie expires.

### Logout from HubIdentity
This will clear the users session and destroy the HubIdentity cookie.
This will allow users who use other applications which use HubIdentity until they logout from them.
Then they will have to authenticate again with HubIdentity.

## Restricted routes

For authentication required (restricted) routes add the plug `require_authenticated_user`
for example:

scope "/", MyAppWeb do
  pipe_through [:browser, :require_authenticated_user]

  get "/something/restricted", PageController, :something
  get "/something_else/restricted", PageController, :something_else

## Documentation

Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](
and published on [HexDocs]( at