# Huex
Elixir client for Philips Hue connected light bulbs.
## Installation
Add Huex as a dependency in your `mix.exs` file.
def deps do
[ { :huex, "~> 0.6" } ]
After you are done, run `mix deps.get` in your shell to fetch and compile Huex.
## Usage
### First Connection
In order to issue queries and commands to the bridge, we need to request an authorization for a so-called `devicetype` (see [Hue Configuration API](http://www.developers.meethue.com/documentation/configuration-api)) which is a string formatted as such: `my-app#my-device`.
**Before requesting the authorization**: you must **press the link button** on your bridge device to start a 30 second window during which you may request an authorization as follow:
bridge = Huex.connect("") |> Huex.authorize("my-app#my-device")
# A random username is now set
IO.puts bridge.username
# The bridge connection is now ready for use
IO.inspect Huex.info(bridge)
# %{"config" => ...}
### Subsequent Connections
Once a `devicetype` has been authorized with the bridge, there's no need to perform the authorization process again. In other words, you must **store the generated username** received set by `authorize/2`. With the username at hand, you can connect right away:
bridge = Huex.connect("", "YApVhLTwWUTlGJDo...")
IO.inspect Huex.info(bridge)
# %{"config" => ...}
### Queries
Query functions return the message received from the bridge API.
IO.inspect Huex.info(bridge)
# %{"config" => %{"UTC" => "1970-01-01T03:00:40", "dhcp" => true,
# "gateway" => "", "ipaddress" => "",
# ...
# "schedules" => %{}}
IO.inspect Huex.lights(bridge)
# %{"1" => %{"name" => "Lobby"}, "2" => %{"name" => "Living Room"},
# "3" => %{"name" => "Bedroom"}}
IO.inspect Huex.light_info(bridge, 1)
# %{"modelid" => "LCT001", "name" => "Lobby",
# ...
# "swversion" => "66009663", "type" => "Extended color light"}
### Commands
Command functions return a `Huex.Bridge` struct and are thus chainable.
|> Huex.turn_off(1) # Turn off light 1
|> Huex.turn_on(2) # Turn on light 2
|> Huex.set_color(2, {10000, 255, 255}) # HSV
|> Huex.set_color(2, {0.167, 0.04}) # XY
|> Huex.set_color(2, Huex.Color.rgb(1, 0.75, 0.25)) # RGB (see limitations)
|> Huex.set_brightness(2, 0.75) # Brightness at 75%
#### Error Handling
For error handling, the `Huex.Bridge` struct has a `status` attribute which is either set to `:ok` or `:error` by command functions.
When an error occured, the complete error response is stored in the `error` attribute of the `Huex.Bridge` struct.
### Examples
Look into the `examples` directory for more advanced usage examples.
## Current Limitations
Color space conversion from RGB to XY currently feels a little fishy: I can't seem to get bright green or red using the given formula.
## To Do
- [ ] Reliable color conversion from RGB
## Contributors
In order of appearance:
* Xavier Defrang ([xavier](https://github.com/xavier))
* Brandon Hays ([tehviking](https://github.com/tehviking))
* Brian Davis ([mrbriandavis](https://github.com/mrbriandavis))
* Pete Kazmier ([pkazmier](https://github.com/pkazmier))
## License
Copyright 2014 Xavier Defrang
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.