# Hugs

Hugs is a normalization/denormalization library.

The main goal of this library is to provide tools to create data-contracts to
work with applications written in non-BEAM programming languages.

For instance, a Java or PHP application may define data structures that we would
like to represent as structs in Elixir. Such data may be sent to an Elixir
application as JSON, XML or any other serialization format. Hugs helps to define
functions that will take care of this data and cast it to an Elixir data

Hugs does not handle deserialization as there are many libraries available for
that. That means that one has to handle the deserialization by themselves.

The library is still a work in progress, nothing has been done on the
normalization tools, there is only denormalization at the moment.

## Example

|> Jason.decode!()
|> Hugs.denormalize!(
  |> Hugs.field(:limit, type: :integer)
  |> Hugs.field(:title, type: :binary)
  |> Hugs.field(:query, type: :map)

## Installation

Hugs is [available in Hex](

    {:hugs, "~> 0.1.0"},