
defmodule Hui.Query.DisMax do
  @moduledoc """
  Struct related to DisMax query.

  Correspond to the query parsers known as the Maximum Disjunction - DisMax
  and eDismax (extended version).

  See below for more details:
   - [DisMax](
   - [Extended DisMax](
  defstruct [
    defType: "dismax"

  @typedoc """
  Struct for DisMax/eDismax query.
  @type t :: %__MODULE__{
          bf: binary,
          boost: binary,
          bq: binary,
          lowercaseOperators: binary,
          mm: binary,
          "mm.autoRelax": boolean,
          pf: binary,
          pf2: binary,
          pf3: binary,
          ps: integer,
          ps2: integer,
          ps3: integer,
          q: binary,
          "q.alt": binary,
          qf: binary,
          qs: integer,
          sow: boolean,
          stopwords: boolean,
          tie: float,
          uf: binary

  @spec new(binary, binary, binary) :: t
  def new(q, qf \\ nil, mm \\ nil), do: %__MODULE__{q: q, qf: qf, mm: mm}

  @spec new :: t
  def new(), do: %__MODULE__{}