
defmodule Hui.Query.Highlight do
  @moduledoc """
  Struct related to the common parameters of results highlighting.

  See :
  - [Highlighting parameters](

  defstruct [
            ] ++ [hl: true, per_field: false]

  @typedoc """
  Struct for [results highlighting]( 
  @type t :: %__MODULE__{
          encoder: binary,
          field: binary,
          fl: binary,
          fragsize: number,
          highlightMultiTerm: boolean,
          hl: boolean,
          maxAnalyzedChars: number,
          method: :unified | :original | :fastVector,
          per_field: boolean,
          q: binary,
          qparser: binary,
          requireFieldMatch: boolean,
          snippets: number,
          "": binary,
          "tag.pre": binary,
          usePhraseHighlighter: boolean

  @spec new(binary, number, number) :: t
  def new(fl, snippets \\ nil, fragsize \\ nil),
    do: %__MODULE__{fl: fl, fragsize: fragsize, snippets: snippets}

  @spec new :: t
  def new(), do: %__MODULE__{}