# Hulaaki (हुलाकी)

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Hulaaki is a client library for MQTT 3.1.1 entirely written in Elixir.

## Usage

Before we get started, keep in mind that you need a running MQTT
server that you can connect to.

Add Hulaaki to your project dependencies in `mix.exs`

def deps do
  [{:hulaaki, "~> 0.0.1"} ]

The quickest way to get up and running with Hulaaki is to `use` the
provided `Client` module. This Genserver module defines function
callbacks that are intended to be overridden for required
implementations. The callbacks are defined for each MQTT message that
is being sent and received from the server.

Add the following sample client to your project.

defmodule SampleClient do
  use Hulaaki.Client

  def on_connect_ack(options) do
    IO.inspect options

  def on_subscribed_publish(options) do
    IO.inspect options

  def on_subscribe_ack(options) do
    IO.inspect options

  def on_pong(options) do
    IO.inspect options

Load the project in `iex -S mix` to explore the SampleClient

$ iex -S mix

> {:ok, pid} = SampleClient.start_link(%{})

> options = [client_id: "some-name", host: "localhost", port: 1883]

> SampleClient.connect(pid, options)



Once you get the idea, feel free to check the inline documentation and
[client_test.exs](test/hulaaki/client_test.exs) for more example usage
and test strategy.

## Documentation

Please refer to the inline documentation and tests to explore the
documentation for now. This shall be improved over time.

## Immediate TODOs
* Pingpong based heartbeat in Client based on the timeout.
* .....

## Contributing

Pull requests with appropriate tests and improvements are welcome.
Mosquitto is currently used by the author to test the library. Please
take a look at the Makefile to run tests.

## Naming

Hulaaki(pronouced as who-laa-key) is the phonetic spelling of the word
हुलाकी in Nepali, which translates to Postman in English.