# HumanName

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Elixir wrapper for [David Judd's]( excellent [human-name]( crate implemented as a BEAM-friendly Rust NIF.

The API implemented for use in Elixir/Erlang does not cover every aspect of the Rust library. Feel free to open a PR for contributions.

## Installation

This package can be installed by adding `human_name` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:human_name, "~> 0.4.0"}

By default **you do not need Rust installed** because the lib will try to download a precompiled NIF file.

In case you want to force compilation set the
`HUMAN_NAME_BUILD` environment variable to `true` or `1`.

To run tests locally, you could do a `HUMAN_NAME_BUILD=1 mix test`.

Alternatively you can also set the application env `:build_from_source` to `true` in order to force the build:

config :human_name, HumanName, build_from_source: true

## Usage

iex> HumanName.first_name("Dr. Alibaster Cornelius Juniper III")
{:ok, "Alibaster"}

iex> HumanName.initials("Dr. Alibaster Cornelius Juniper III")
{:ok, "AJ"}

iex> HumanName.last_name("Dr. Alibaster Cornelius Juniper III")
{:ok, "Juniper"}

iex> HumanName.normalize("Dr. Alibaster Cornelius Juniper III")
{:ok, "Alibaster Juniper"}

iex> HumanName.normalize_full("JIMMY H JENKINS")
{:ok, "Jimmy H. Jenkins"}


## License

MIT License

See the [license file](LICENSE.txt) for details.