# HumanTime
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Adapted from my [human_time library for Python]( but for Elixir. Human Time is a function to convert a string such as "every other tuesday", "every weekday" or "every friday at 2pm" and convert it into a sequence of date times as allowed by the string.

This is my first attempt at putting a package onto hex so please feel free to give input on what should be changed but also be mindful I'm unlikely to have experience doing everything suggested.

## Usage
Human time has only a single function, `parse`. It only requires a string detailing a sequence of date or datetimes.

  HumanTime.parse("Every wednesday at 1530")
  |> Stream.take(3)
  |> Enum.to_list
  > [
      #DateTime<2018-08-15 15:30:00.848218Z>,
      #DateTime<2018-08-22 15:30:00.848218Z>,
      #DateTime<2018-08-29 15:30:00.848218Z>

If a time is not part of the string, datetimes will be outputted as the current time. To get around this I suggest using "at midnight" to set them to 00:00.

### Options
from: Dictates the date the sequence will begin from (defaults to starting from now)
until: Dictates the date the sequence will end at (defaults to never finish)

## Installation
To add Human Time to your project, you only need to add it as a dependency and start it as an application in your mix.exs file.

def deps do
    {:human_time, "~> 0.1.0"}

defp application do
  [applications: [:human_time]]

## Roadmap / TODO
 - Add blocker match in, if a matcher matches on a block it won't trigger, currently using a workaround for some of them
 - Better handle state in the filter and mappers (to allow for things like "every other")
 - Optimise the function calls, some of the filters will iterate through every day in a month for every day in a month
 - Add time jumps such as "25th minute of every other hour"
 - Enable other generators with strings such as "every other second"
 - Documentation

## License

This software is licensed under [the MIT license](