# HumanToMillis
HumanToMillis is a simple Elixir library designed to improve code readability by converting human-readable time intervals into milliseconds. It ensures clean, readable code while handling complex time intervals with ease.
## Installation
Add `:human_to_millis` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:human_to_millis, "~> 1.0.0"}
Then run:
mix deps.get
## Usage
HumanToMillis provides a `parse/1` function that accepts human-readable time intervals and converts them to milliseconds. This is useful for scheduling, time calculations, and other tasks requiring precise time measurements.
### Examples
#### Basic Usage
iex> "1.5 minutes" |> HumanToMillis.parse
iex> "3 days and 4 hours" |> HumanToMillis.parse
iex> HumanToMillis.parse("3 days, 4 hours and 36 seconds")
iex> HumanToMillis.parse("4 months, 3 days, 5 hours and forty-five seconds")
### Error Handling
Invalid inputs will raise a descriptive error, ensuring you can quickly identify and correct syntax issues:
iex> HumanToMillis.parse("invalid input")
** (RuntimeError) Invalid format: "invalid input"
The latter is much easier to read and understand at a glance.
## Contributing
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests to enhance the functionality of HumanToMillis.
## License
HumanToMillis is released under the [MIT License](LICENSE).