# Show milliseconds in a human-readable form

DateTime is also supported in human-readable form

X seconds|minutes|hours|days| from now|ago

## Installation

 In `mix.exs` file:

def deps do
    {:human_time, "~> 0.2.0"}

## Usage


"12 minutes from now"

"12 minutes ago"

HumanTime.human(DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.add(15, :second))
"15 seconds from now"

HumanTime.human(DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.add(-15, :second))
"15 seconds ago"

HumanTime.human(past_time, locale: "fr")
"il y a 1 heure"

HumanTime.human(future_time, locale: "fr")
"dans 2 minutes"

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# HumanTime

A library to show milliseconds or `DateTime` values in a human-readable form. It supports multiple locales for flexible internationalization.

## Features

- Converts durations (in milliseconds) into human-readable strings.
- Supports both positive (future) and negative (past) durations.
- Handles `DateTime` objects for precise time intervals.
- Multilingual support for the following locales: English (`en`), French (`fr`), Spanish (`es`), Chinese (`zh`), Russian (`ru`), and more.

### Example Outputs:

| Input                  | Output                |
| `754000`              | "12 minutes from now" |
| `-754000`             | "12 minutes ago"      |
| `DateTime.add(15s)`   | "15 seconds from now" |
| `DateTime.add(-15s)`  | "15 seconds ago"      |

### Localized Outputs:

| Locale | Input                  | Output                |
| `fr`   | `-3600s`              | "il y a 1 heure"     |
| `fr`   | `120s`                | "dans 2 minutes"     |
| `es`   | `-3600s`              | "hace 1 hora"        |
| `zh`   | `120s`                | "2 分钟后"  |


## Installation

Add `human_time` to your list of dependencies in your `mix.exs` file:

def deps do
    {:human_time, "~> 0.2.0"}

Fetch the dependencies:

mix deps.get


## Usage

Here are examples of how to use `HumanTime`:

# Duration in milliseconds
# Output: "12 minutes from now"

# Output: "12 minutes ago"

# Using DateTime
future_time = DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.add(15, :second)
# Output: "15 seconds from now"

past_time = DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.add(-15, :second)
# Output: "15 seconds ago"

# Localized output
HumanTime.human(past_time, locale: "fr")
# Output: "il y a 1 heure"

HumanTime.human(future_time, locale: "fr")
# Output: "dans 2 minutes"


## Localization Support

The following locales are supported:

- English (`en`)
- French (`fr`)
- Spanish (`es`)
- Chinese (`zh`)
- Russian (`ru`)
- ...and more (expandable upon request).

If the provided locale is not supported, the default (`en`) is used.


## Contributing

Contributions are welcome! To add support for additional locales or improve functionality:


## License

`HumanTime` is available under the [MIT License](LICENSE).