# Humiex

Humio searches using it's REST API
Supports sync queries and streaming live queries

## Installation

Add to your dependencies

deps = [
  {:humiex, "~> 0.2.3"},

## Usage

Create a Humio Client

client = Humiex.new_client("", "my_repo", "my_token")

### Query

  start = "1s"
  query_string = "#env=dev #type=log foo" # Search all logs in the last second on dev environment that have "foo"
 {:ok, events, state} = Humiex.query(client, query_string, start)

To only get the events:

  start = "1s"
  query_string = "#env=dev #type=log foo"
 events = Humiex.query_values(client, query_string, start)

### Stream

Turn it into a live query:

  start = "1s"
  query_string = "#env=dev #type=log foo"
  event_stream = Humiex.stream_values(client, query_string, start)
  last_10_events = event_stream
  |> Enum.take(10)

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