# Hydra

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> A multi-headed beast: API gateway, request cache, and data transformations.

Hydra's goal is to be a distributable and fault tolerant API gateway with integrated cache and support for data transformations.  Community involvement and contributions are welcomed and encouraged.

___There isn't much to see here yet, Hydra is still under active development___

## Getting Started

Hydra is built with Elixir 1.2 and will not work with earlier versions.  For data transformations we rely on the powerful [jq][jq] command-line JSON processor.  Please see the [jq][jq] website for instructions on installing for your system.


1. Clone project:

  $ git clone
  $ cd hydra

1. Install dependencies:

  $ mix deps.get

1. Verify tests pass:

  $ mix test

1. Finally, we have two options for running Hydra:

  - Start an instance with Mix:

  		$ mix hydra
  - Or build and run an executable with escript:
  		$ mix build
  		$ ./hydra

## Learn More

1. [Pattern: API Gateway][1]
1. [Inside the Netflix API Redesign][2]
1. [jq Manual][3]

## Contributing

Contributions are always welcome.  We ask that contributors familiarize themselves with the []( guide.

## License

Hydra source code is released under Apache 2.0 License.

See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for more information.