# Hyperliquid

Hyperliquid is an Elixir-based library for interacting with the Hyperliquid decentralized exchange platform. It provides a set of modules and functions to manage WebSocket connections, handle orders, and interact with the Hyperliquid API.

## Features

- Order management (market, limit, and close orders)
- Account operations (transfers, leverage adjustment, etc.)
- Price conversion and formatting
- Caching for efficient data access and improved performance
- Dynamic subscription management
- WebSocket streaming for real-time data

## Installation

Add `hyperliquid` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:hyperliquid, "~> 0.1.1"}

## Configuration

In `config/config.exs`, add Hyperliquid protocol host params to your config file

config :hyperliquid,
  private_key: "YOUR_KEY_HERE"

## Usage

### Streaming Data
To start a WebSocket stream:

alias Hyperliquid.Streamer.Supervisor

{:ok, _pid} = Supervisor.start_stream([%{type: "allMids"}])
### Placing Orders
To place a market buy order:

alias Hyperliquid.Orders

Orders.market_buy("BTC", 1.0)

To place a limit sell order:

Orders.limit_order("ETH", 2.0, false, 3000, "gtc", false)

### Closing Positions
To close all positions for an address:

## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License.