# I2C Server

[![API docs](](

I2C Server wraps [`Circuits.I2C`]( [reference]( in a [`GenServer`](, creating a separate
process for each [I2C]( device. I2C device processes are
identified with a composite key of bus name and bus address. By default, I2C device processes are
stored in [`Registry`](, but you can alternatively use

## Installation

Just add `i2c_server` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:i2c_server, "~> 0.1"}

## Usage

# Get a PID for a device at the address 0x77 on the "i2c-1" bus
iex> device1 = I2cServer.server_process("i2c-1", 0x77)

# A different device has a different PID
iex> device2 = I2cServer.server_process("i2c-1", 0x38)

# Write 0xff to the register 0x8A
iex> I2cServer.write(device1, 0x8A, 0xff)
iex> I2cServer.write(device1, 0x8A, <<0xff>>)
iex> I2cServer.write(device1, <<0x8A, 0xff>>)
iex> I2cServer.write(device1, [0x8A, 0xff])
iex> I2cServer.write(device1, [0x8A, <<0xff>>])

# Read 3 bytes from the register 0xE1
iex> I2cServer.write_read(device1, 0xE1, 3)
iex> I2cServer.write_read(device1, <<0xE1>>, 3)
{:ok, <<0, 0, 0>>}

I2C device processes will be created under `I2cServer.I2cDeviceSupervisor` dynamically.


## Configuration

You can change settings in your config file such as `config/config.exs` file. Here is the default

config :i2c_server,
  transport_module: Circuits.I2C,
  registry_module: I2cServer.DeviceRegistry

### Registry module

The default `:registry_module` is `I2cServer.DeviceRegistry` that is a thin wrapper of `Registry`.
You can alternatively use [`:global`]( for global registration.

config :i2c_server, registry_module: :global

### I2C module

The default `:transport_module` is `Circuits.I2C`. You will most likely use the default, but you
may want to use a mock for testing. Any module that implements the `I2cServer.Transport` behaviour
should work.

config :i2c_server, transport_module: Circuits.I2C