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# Ibanity Elixir Library
The Ibanity Elixir Library provides convenient wrappers around the Ibanity API. The object attributes are dynamically defined based on the API response, supporting minor API changes seamlessly.
## Documentation
Visit our [API docs](https://documentation.ibanity.com/api).
## Installation
In the `mix.exs` file:
def deps do
[{:ibanity, "~> 0.5.0}]
## Configuration
The client supports multiple _applications_, that is multiple configurations.
The reason for this is to enable, for example, _sandbox_ or _live_ environment, each having its own
configurations options (certificate, private key, ...).
There *must* be at least the `:default` application in your configuration file.
### Signature
When making HTTP requests for _live_ applications, each request *must* be signed, see [API reference](https://documentation.ibanity.com/api#signature). Therefore the `:signature_certificate_file`, `:signature_key_file` and `signature_certificate_id` keys must be set. *Please note that, at this time, Ibanity use the same certificate for both identifying and signing the requests, but it will change in a near future.*
### Per-application configuration
To verify webhook signatures, the ID of your application is used to compare to the audience in the signed signature header.
Therefore, you must provide the ID in your application configuration to use this feature.
Key | Description
--- | -----------
`:id` | ID (UUIDv4) of the application, as provided in the Ibanity Developer Portal
#### A note on certificates and private keys
Since Erlang (and thus Elixir) doesn't support PKCS12 at this time, you will have to use both certificate and private key in [PEM format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Privacy-Enhanced_Mail).
Moreover, Erlang doesn't support [AES-256-CBC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard) either, you will thus have to encrypt the private key with `AES-128-CBC`.
If you use Ibanity's `sandbox` environment, you should have received three generated files: `certificate.pem`, `certificate.pfx`, `private_key.pem`.
Only the `.pem` files will be used by this client.
You will have to re-encrypt the private key. One way to do it is:
openssl rsa -aes128 -in private_key.pem -out private_key-aes128.pem
Key | Description
--- | -----------
`:certificate` | Certificate used to identify your API client.
`:key` | Private key used to generate the identifying certificate.
`:key_passphrase` | Password used to encrypt `:key`.
`:signature_certificate` | Certificate used to sign HTTP requests to the API.
`:signature_key` | Private key used to generate the signing certificate.
`:signature_key_passphrase` | Password used to encrypt `:signature_key`.
`:signature_certificate_id` | ID (UUIDv4) of the certificate used for signature.
### Global optional configuration
Key | Description
--- | -----------
`:api_url` | Ibanity API endpoint. Default: `https://api.ibanity.com`
`:ssl_ca` | Intermediate certificate. Not needed in _production_ environment
`:retry` | Keyword list to customize the retrying of API calls due to network failures. Keys and their default values are shown below.
`:timeout` | Keyword list to customize the timeout limits of API calls. Keys and their default values are shown below.
config :ibanity, :retry, [
initial_delay: 1000,
backoff_interval: 500,
max_retries: 0
config :ibanity, :timeout, [
timeout: 8000,
recv_timeout: 5000
### Example
The minimal configuration must be:
config :ibanity, :applications, [
default: []
config :ibanity, :api_url, System.get_env("IBANITY_API_URL")
With that kind of configuration, requests won't use SSL nor HTTP signature.
Here's a full-fledged example with two applications, the `:default` one and `:sandbox`:
config :ibanity, :applications, [
default: [
id: System.get_env("DEFAULT_ID"),
certificate: System.get_env("DEFAULT_CERTIFICATE"),
key: System.get_env("DEFAULT_KEY"),
signature_certificate: System.get_env("DEFAULT_CERTIFICATE"),
signature_certificate_id: System.get_env("DEFAULT_CERTIFICATE_ID"),
signature_key: System.get_env("DEFAULT_KEY")
sandbox: [
id: System.get_env("SANDBOX_ID"),
certificate: System.get_env("SANDBOX_CERTIFICATE"),
key: System.get_env("SANDBOX_KEY"),
signature_certificate: System.get_env("SANDBOX_CERTIFICATE"),
signature_certificate_id: System.get_env("SANDBOX_CERTIFICATE_ID"),
signature_key: System.get_env("SANDBOX_KEY")
config :ibanity, :api_url, System.get_env("IBANITY_API_URL")
config :ibanity, :ssl_ca, System.get_env("IBANITY_CA")
config :ibanity, :retry, [
initial_delay: 1000,
backoff_interval: 1000,
max_retries: 3
config :ibanity, :timeout, [
timeout: 10_000,
recv_timeout: 30_000
### Requirements
* Elixir 1.6+.
## Test
`mix test`
## Usage
All operations take a `Ibanity.Request` structure as only parameter, though some convenience functions have been created in order to ease the use of the API.
For example, these:
Request.id(:id, "3851df38-b78a-447a-910e-5c077f30798b")
|> FinancialInstitution.find
[id: "3851df38-b78a-447a-910e-5c077f30798b"]
|> Request.ids
|> FinancialInstitution.find
are strictly equivalent
### A note on resource identifiers
In a RESTful API you sometimes have to provide multiple resource ids in the URL.
In order to pass them to the request you should use `Request.ids/2` to set them.
This function takes a `%Request{}` as first parameter and a Keyword list as second one where the keys are the name of the ids as defined in the documentation - but in _snake case_ - and the values are the matching UUIDs.
See examples below.
### Usage examples
#### Create a customer access token
[application_customer_reference: "12345"]
|> Request.attributes
|> Request.idempotency_key("007572ed-77a9-4828-844c-1fc0180b9795")
|> CustomerAccessToken.create
#### List financial institutions with paging options
|> FinancialInstitutions.list
#### Update an existing financial institution using the _:sandbox_ application
[name: "WowBank"]
|> Request.attributes
|> Request.idempotency_key("d49e91fb-58c4-4953-a4c3-71365139316d")
|> Request.ids(id: "0864492c-dbf4-43bd-8764-e0b52f4136d4")
|> Request.application(:sandbox)
|> FinancialInstitution.update