
defmodule Image do
  @moduledoc """
  `Image` is based upon the fabulous
  [vix]( library that provides a [libvips](
  wrapper for Elixir.

  `Image` is intended to provide well-documented common image processing functions in
  an idiomatic Elixir functional style as a layer above the very comprehensive set
  of functions in `Vix` and `libvips`.

  In a very simple image resizing
  `Image` is approximately 2 to 3 times faster than `Mogrify` and uses about 5 times
  less memory.


  alias Vix.Vips.{Operation, MutableImage}
  alias Vix.Vips.Image, as: Vimage

  alias Image.{Exif, Xmp, Complex, Options, Color, Interpretation, BlendMode}
  alias Image.Options.Compose

  # Default radius of rounded corners
  @default_round_corner_radius 50

  # Standard size of an avatar image, at least for
  # this library
  @default_avatar_size 180

  # if the ratio between width and height differs
  # by less than this amount, consider the image
  # to be square
  @square_when_ratio_less_than 0.0

  @typedoc """
  The valid rendering intent values. For all
  functions that take an optioanl intent
  parameter the default is `:perceptual`.

  ## Perceptual Intent

  Perceptual rendering is used to process photographic
  type images. This intent processes the colors so that
  the output reproduction is pleasing. This process
  tends to change the color from the original, so no
  guarantee the reproduction will be accurate against
  the original.

  ## Relative Intent

  Relative colorimetric changes all the colours out
  of gamut to the nearest colour in gamut, so many
  colours change to the same one. It DOES NOT change
  colours in gamut. Perceptual changes ALL the colours
  in the image in a proportional way so that they lie
  in the output device gamut.

  ## Saturation Intent

  Saturation moves in-gamut colors toward the edge of the
  destination gamut for maximum saturation and impact.
  This intent will make an image more colorful by using
  the full gamut of the destination device. This intent
  cares not for the genuine representation of color.

  ## Absolute Intent

  Absolute rendering attempts to reproduce all
  colors numerically (destination = source). This
  can cause unexpected results if the source gamut is
  larger than the destination.

  @type render_intent :: :perceptual | :relative | :saturation | :absolute

  @typedoc """
  Error messages returned by `libvips`

  Typically a string.

  @type error_message :: term()

  @typedoc """
  A pixel is represented as a list of float values.
  The number of list elements is determined by
  the colorspace interpreations. For example:

  * `RGB` colorspace would be represented by
    a list of three floats like `[0.0, 0,0, 0.0]` for black.

  * `CMYK` colorspace would be represented by a
    list of four floats.

  * A `PNG` image can be in any appropriate
    colorspace but may also have an `alpha` band
    and therefore have three, four or five floats
    in a list to represent the pixel.

  @type pixel :: [float()]

  @typedoc """
  Image orientation.

  @type orientation :: :landscape | :portrait | :square

  @typedoc """
  A composition is a 2-tuple defining an image
  and the options which describe how to
  compose this image on a base image.

  @type composition :: {Vimage.t(), composition_options}

  @typedoc """
  When composing an image on a base image, these
  options drive how the composition proceeds.

  * `:x` describes the absolute `x` offset on the
    base image where this image will be placed. If
    this option is set to `:left`, `:center` or
    `:right` then the `x` position will be calculated
    relative to the base image. If `:x` is nil
    (the default) then the image will be placed according
    to the relative offset of the previously composed
    image using `:dx`.

  * `:y` describes the absolute `y` offset on the
    base image where this image will be placed. If
    this option is set to `:top`, `:middle` or
    `:bottom` then the `y` position will be calculated
    relative to the base image. If `:y` is nil
    (the default) then the image will be placed according
    to the relative offset of the previously composed
    image using `:dy`.

  * `:dx` descibes the relative offset used to calculate
    the `x` value. `:dx` is an integer offset from the
    edge of the previously composed image. Which edge is
    determined by the `:x_baseline` option. If `:x` is also
    specified then `:x` is first calculated, then `:dx` is
    added to it. In this case, `:x_baseline` is ignored.

  * `:dy` descibes the relative offset used to calculate
    the `y` value. `:dy` is an integer offset from the
    edge of the previously composed image. Which edge is
    determined by the `:y_baseline` option. If `:y` is also
    specified then `:y` is first calculated, then `:dy` is
    added to it. In this case, `:x_baseline` is ignored.

  * `:blend_mode` is the `t:Image.BlendMode.t/0` used when
    composing this image over its base image. The default
    is `:over` which is appropriate for most use cases.

  * `:x_baseline` establishes the baseline on the
    previsouly composed image from which `:dx` is
    calculated. The default is `:right`.

  * `:y_baseline` establishes the baseline on the
    previsouly composed image from which `:dy` is
    calculated. The default is `:bottom`.

  @type composition_options :: [
    {:x, non_neg_integer() | nil | :left | :center | :right},
    {:y, non_neg_integer() | nil | :top | :middle | :bottom},
    {:dx, integer()},
    {:dy, integer()},
    {:blend_mode, Image.BlendMode.t()},
    {:x_baseline, :nil | :left | :center | :right},
    {:y_baseline, :nil | :top | :middle | :bottom}

  @doc """
  Guards whether the coordinates can be reasonably
  interpreted as a bounding box.

  `left` and `top` when positive are relative to
  the left and top of the image respectively. When
  negative they are relative to the right and bottom
  of the image.

  defguard is_box(left, top, width, height)
           when is_integer(left) and is_integer(top) and is_integer(width) and is_integer(height) and
                  width > 0 and height > 0

  @doc """
  Guards whether a number can be reasonable interpreted
  as a size (as in size of a crop or mask)

  defguard is_size(size) when is_integer(size) and size > 0

  @doc """
  Guards whether a term might be reasonable interpreted
  as an image pixel.

  defguard is_pixel(value) when is_number(value) or is_list(value)

  @doc """
  Opens an image file for image processing.

  ### Arguments

  * `image_path` is the file system path to an image

  * `options` is a keyword list of options. The default is
    `[access: :sequential]`.

  ### Options

  The available options depends on the type of image
  file being opened.

  ### All image types

  * `:access` is the file access mode, either `:random`
    or `:sequential`. THe default is `:sequentual`.
    When `:sequential`, `Image` (via `Vix`) is able
    to support streaming transformations and optimise
    memory usage more effectively. Howwevef `:sequenial`
    also means that some operationas cannot be completed
    because they would require non-sequential access to
    the image. In these cases, `:random` access is required.

  * `:fail_on` sets the error level at which image
    loading and decoding will stop. The default is `:none`.
    Each error state implies all the states before it such
    that `:error` implies also `:truncated`.

  ### JPEG image options

  * `:shrink` is an integer factor in the range `1..16` by
    which the image is reduced upon loading. This is an
    optimization that can result in improved performance and
    reduced memory usage if the image is being loaded
    with the intend to resize it to smaller dimensions. The
    default value is `1` meaning no shrnk-on-load.

  * `:autorotate` is a boolean value indicating if
    the image should be rotated according to the orientation
    data stored in the image metadata. The default is

  ### Webp options

  * `:scale` will scale the image on load. The value is
    `1..1024` with a default of `1`.

  * `:page` indicates the image page to be loaded. The
    value is in the range `0..100_000` with a default
    value of `0`.

  * `:pages` indicates how many pages to load. THe value is
    in the range `1..100_000` with a default value of `1`.

  ### TIFF options

  * `:autorotate` is a boolean value indicating if
    the image should be rotated according to the orientation
    data stored in the image metadata. The default is

  * `:page` indicates the image page to be loaded. The
    value is in the range `0..100_000` with a default
    value of `0`.

  * `:pages` indicates how many pages to load. THe value is
    in the range `1..100_000` with a default value of `1`.

  ### PNG options

  * There are no PNG-specific image loading

  ### Returns

  * `{:ok, image}` or

  * `{:error, message}`

  @spec open(image_path :: Path.t(), options :: Options.Open.image_open_options()) ::
          {:ok, Vimage.t()} | {:error, error_message()}

  def open(image_path, options \\ []) do
    with {:ok, options} <- Options.Open.validate_options(options) do
      |> String.split("[", parts: 2)
      |> do_open(options)

  defp do_open([path], options) do
    if File.exists?(path) do
      options = build_option_string(options)
      Vimage.new_from_file(path <> options)
      {:error, :enoent}

  defp do_open([path, open_options], options) do
    if File.exists?(path) do
      open_options = String.trim_trailing(open_options, "]")
      options = build_option_string(open_options, options)
      Vimage.new_from_file(path <> options)
      {:error, :enoent}

  @doc """
  Opens an image file for image processing
  returning an image or raising an exception.

  ### Arguments

  * `image_path` is the file system path to an image

  * `options` is a keyword list of options.
    See ``.

  ### Returns

  * `image` or

  * raises an exception.

  @spec open!(image_path :: Path.t(), options :: Options.Open.image_open_options()) ::
          Vimage.t() | no_return()

  def open!(image_path, options \\ []) do
    case open(image_path, options) do
      {:ok, image} -> image
      {:error, reason} -> raise Image.Error, {reason, image_path}

  @doc """
  Write an image to a file.

  ### Arguments

  * `image_path` is the file system path to an image

  * `options` is a keyword list of options. The default is

  ### Options

  The available options depends on the type of image
  file being opened.

  ### All image types

  * `:profile` is the name of any
    [ICC color profile](

  * `:strip` is a boolean indicating if all metadata
    is to be stripped from the image. The default is `false`.

  * `:background` is the background value to be used
    for any transparent areas of the image. Jpeg does
    not support alpha bands so a color value must be

  * `:quality` which influences image compression and
    is a integer in the range `1..100`. The default for
    most image formats is `75`. For PNG files it is the
    quantization quality with a default of `100`. For
    HEIF files the default is `50`.

  ### JPEG images

  * `:progressive` is a boolean indicating if the image
    should be interleaved rather than baseline. Progressive
    has the advantage of perceived time for the inital
    image load and the cost of multiple decoding passes on
    the client. For many applications `:progressive` is
    to be preferred but validation of this assumption for
    specific use cases is required.

  ### PNG images

   * `:color_depth` is an integer describing the number
     of bits for each color. The value can be `1`, `2`,
     `4`, `8` or `16`.  The default is to use the current
     color depth of the image.  For web applications, `8`
     bits would be reasonable for photographic images with
     lower bit depts for monochromatic images or diagrams.

   * `:progressive` which has the same meaning and values
      as for JPEG images.

   * `:compression` is the image compression factor as an
      image between `0..9`. The default is `6`.

  ### TIFF images

  * `:color_depth` which has the same meaning as for
    PNG images.

  ### Heif images

  * `:compression` is the compression strategy to
    be applied. The allowable values are `:hevc`,
    `:avc`, `:jpeg` and `:av1`. The default is `:hevc`.

  @spec write(
          image :: Vimage.t(),
          image_path :: Path.t(),
          options :: Options.Write.image_write_options()
        ) ::
          {:ok, Vimage.t()} | {:error, error_message()}

  def write(%Vimage{} = image, image_path, options \\ []) do
    with {:ok, options} <- Options.Write.validate_options(options) do
      |> String.split("[", parts: 2)
      |> do_write(image, options)

  defp do_write([image_path], image, options) do
    options = build_option_string(options)

    case Vimage.write_to_file(image, image_path <> options) do
      :ok -> {:ok, image}
      other -> other

  defp do_write([image_path, open_options], image, options) do
    write_options = String.trim_trailing(open_options, "]")
    options = build_option_string(write_options, options)

    case Vimage.write_to_file(image, image_path <> options) do
      :ok -> {:ok, image}
      other -> other

  @doc """
  Writes an image to a file returning the image
  or raising an exception.

  ### Arguments

  * `image_path` is the file system path to an image

  * `options` is a keyword list of options.
    See `Image.write/2`.

  ### Returns

  * `image` or

  * raises an exception.

  @spec write!(
          image :: Vimage.t(),
          image_path :: Path.t(),
          options :: Options.Write.image_write_options()
        ) ::
          Vimage.t() | no_return()

  def write!(%Vimage{} = image, image_path, options \\ []) do
    case write(image, image_path, options) do
      {:ok, image} -> image
      {:error, reason} -> raise Image.Error, {reason, image_path}

  @doc """
  Compse two images together to form a new image.

  ### Arguments

  * `base_image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`.

  * `overlay_image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0` that will
    be composed over the top of `base_image`. It can also
    be a list of `t:composition/0`s that allow for multiple
    images to be composed in a single call.

  * `options` is a keyword list of options.

  ### Options for a single overlay image

  * `:blend_mode` is the manner in which the two
    images are composited. See `t:Image.BkendMode.t/0`.
    The default is `:over` which is the most common blend

  * `:x` is the offset (0-based) from the *left* of the `base_image`
    where the `overlay_image` will be placed. It may also be
    one of the keywords `:left`, `:right` or `:center`. The
    default is `:center`.

  * `:y` is the offset (0-based) from the *top* of the `base_image`
    where the `overlay_image` will be placed.  It may also be
    one of the keywords `:top`, `:bottom` or `:middle`. The
    default is `:middle`.

  ### Composition list options

  When `overlay_image` is an `image_list`, each entry in
  the list is either a `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0` or a
  `t:composition/0`. A composition supports the specification
  of how a particular image is composed onto the base image.

  * `:x` describes the absolute `x` offset on the
    base image where this image will be placed. If
    this option is set to `:left`, `:center` or
    `:right` then the `x` position will be calculated
    relative to the base image. If `:x` is nil
    (the default) then the image will be placed according
    to the relative offset of the previously composed
    image using `:dx`.

  * `:y` describes the absolute `y` offset on the
    base image where this image will be placed. If
    this option is set to `:top`, `:middle` or
    `:bottom` then the `y` position will be calculated
    relative to the base image. If `:y` is nil
    (the default) then the image will be placed according
    to the relative offset of the previously composed
    image using `:dy`.

  * `:dx` descibes the relative offset used to calculate
    the `x` value. `:dx` is an integer offset from the
    edge of the previously composed image. Which edge is
    determined by the `:x_baseline` option. If `:x` is also
    specified then `:x` is first calculated, then `:dx` is
    added to it. In this case, `:x_baseline` is ignored.

  * `:dy` descibes the relative offset used to calculate
    the `y` value. `:dy` is an integer offset from the
    edge of the previously composed image. Which edge is
    determined by the `:y_baseline` option. If `:y` is also
    specified then `:y` is first calculated, then `:dy` is
    added to it. In this case, `:x_baseline` is ignored.

  * `:blend_mode` is the `t:Image.BlendMode.t/0` used when
    composing this image over its base image. The default
    is `:over` which is appropriate for most use cases.

  * `:x_baseline` establishes the baseline on the
    previsouly composed image from which `:dx` is
    calculated. The default is `:right`.

  * `:y_baseline` establishes the baseline on the
    previsouly composed image from which `:dy` is
    calculated. The default is `:bottom`.

  ### Returns

  * `{:ok, composed_image}` or

  * `{:error, reason}`

  ### Examples

      # Compose images over a base image using
      # absolute coordinates from the base image
      # to place each overlay image
      #==> {:ok, image} = Image.compose(base_image, polygon, x: :middle, y: :top)
      #==> {:ok, image} = Image.compose(image, explore_new, x: 260, y: 200)
      #==> {:ok, image} = Image.compose(image, places, x: 260, y: 260)
      #==> {:ok, image} = Image.compose(image, blowout, x: 260, y: 340)
      #==> {:ok, image} = Image.compose(image, start_saving, x: 260, y: 400)

      # Compose images over a base image
      # using a composition list and coordinates
      # that are either absolute with respect to the
      # base image or relative to the previously
      # composed image
      #==> Image.compose(base_image, [
      ...>   {polygon, x: :center, y: :top},
      ...>   {explore_new, y_baseline: :top, x_baseline: :left, dx: 20, dy: 200},
      ...>   {places, dy: 10},
      ...>   {blowout, dy: 20},
      ...>   {start_saving, dy: 50}
      ...> ])

  @spec compose(base_image::Vimage.t(), overlay_image::Vimage.t(), options::Keyword.t()) ::
    {:ok, Vimage.t()} | {:error, error_message()}

  def compose(base_image, overlay_image_or_images, options \\ [])

  def compose(%Vimage{} = base_image, %Vimage{} = overlay_image, options) do
    x = Keyword.get(options, :x, :center)
    y = Keyword.get(options, :y, :middle)
    blend_mode = Keyword.get(options, :blend_mode)

    with {:ok, blend_mode} <- Image.BlendMode.validate_blend_mode(blend_mode) do
      {x, y} = xy_offset(base_image, overlay_image, x, y)
      Operation.composite2(base_image, overlay_image, blend_mode, x: x, y: y)

  @spec compose(base_image::Vimage.t(), image_list::[Vimage.t(), ...], options::Keyword.t()) ::
    {:ok, Vimage.t()} | {:error, error_message()}

  def compose(%Vimage{} = base_image, image_list, _options) when is_list(image_list) do
    width = Image.width(base_image)
    height = Image.height(base_image)

    zipped =
      Enum.reduce_while image_list, {0, 0, width, height, []}, fn
        %Vimage{} = image, {prev_x, prev_y, prev_width, prev_height, acc} ->
          build_composition(image, prev_x, prev_y, prev_width, prev_height, acc,

        {%Vimage{} = image, options}, {prev_x, prev_y, prev_width, prev_height, acc} ->
          build_composition(image, prev_x, prev_y, prev_width, prev_height, acc,

    case zipped do
      {:error, reason} ->
        {:error, reason}

      {_x, _y, _height, _width, list} ->
        {overlay_images, x_list, y_list, blend_modes} = unzip_composition(list)
        Operation.composite([base_image | overlay_images], blend_modes, x: x_list, y: y_list)

  defp build_composition(image, prev_x, prev_y, prev_width, prev_height, acc, options) do
    import Compose, only: [get_x: 6, get_y: 6]

    options = Map.merge(Compose.default_composit_options(), options)

    with {:ok, x} <- get_x(image, prev_x, prev_width, options.x, options.dx, options.x_baseline),
         {:ok, y} <- get_y(image, prev_y, prev_height, options.y, options.dy, options.y_baseline),
         {:ok, blend_mode} <- BlendMode.validate_blend_mode(options.blend_mode) do
      {:ok, [image, x, y, blend_mode]}
    |> accumulate_compositions(image, acc)

  defp unzip_composition(list) do
    Enum.reduce list, {[], [], [], []}, fn
      [image, x, y, blend_mode], {images, xs, ys, blend_modes} ->
        blend_mode = Vix.Vips.Enum.VipsBlendMode.to_nif_term(blend_mode, nil)
        {[image | images], [x | xs], [y | ys], [blend_mode | blend_modes]}

  defp accumulate_compositions(composition, image, acc) do
    case composition do
      {:ok, composition} ->
        [_image, x, y | _rest] = composition
        {:cont, {x, y, Image.width(image), Image.height(image), [composition | acc]}}

      {:error, reason} ->
        {:halt, reason}

  @doc """
  Compse two images together to form a new image or
  raising an exception.

  ### Arguments

  * `base_image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`.

  * `overlay_image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0` that will
    be composed over the top of `base_image`.

  * `options` is a keyword list of options.

  ### Options

  * `:blend_mode` is the manner in which the two
    images are composited. See `t:Image.BkendMode.t/0`.
    The default is `:over` which is the most common blend

  * `:x` is the offset (0-based) from the *left* of the `base_image`
    where the `overlay_image` will be placed. It may also be
    one of the keywords `:left`, `:right` or `:center`. The
    default is `:center`.

  * `:y` is the offset (0-based) from the *top* of the `base_image`
    where the `overlay_image` will be placed.  It may also be
    one of the keywords `:top`, `:bottom` or `:middle`. The
    default is `:middle`.

  ### Composition list options

  When `overlay_image` is an `image_list`, each entry in
  the list is either a `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0` or a
  `t:composition/0`. A composition supports the specification
  of how a particular image is composed onto the base image.

  * `:x` describes the absolute `x` offset on the
    base image where this image will be placed. If
    this option is set to `:left`, `:center` or
    `:right` then the `x` position will be calculated
    relative to the base image. If `:x` is nil
    (the default) then the image will be placed according
    to the relative offset of the previously composed
    image using `:dx`.

  * `:y` describes the absolute `y` offset on the
    base image where this image will be placed. If
    this option is set to `:top`, `:middle` or
    `:bottom` then the `y` position will be calculated
    relative to the base image. If `:y` is nil
    (the default) then the image will be placed according
    to the relative offset of the previously composed
    image using `:dy`.

  * `:dx` descibes the relative offset used to calculate
    the `x` value. `:dx` is an integer offset from the
    edge of the previously composed image. Which edge is
    determined by the `:x_baseline` option. If `:x` is also
    specified then `:x` is first calculated, then `:dx` is
    added to it. In this case, `:x_baseline` is ignored.

  * `:dy` descibes the relative offset used to calculate
    the `y` value. `:dy` is an integer offset from the
    edge of the previously composed image. Which edge is
    determined by the `:y_baseline` option. If `:y` is also
    specified then `:y` is first calculated, then `:dy` is
    added to it. In this case, `:x_baseline` is ignored.

  * `:blend_mode` is the `t:Image.BlendMode.t/0` used when
    composing this image over its base image. The default
    is `:over` which is appropriate for most use cases.

  * `:x_baseline` establishes the baseline on the
    previsouly composed image from which `:dx` is
    calculated. The default is `:right`.

  * `:y_baseline` establishes the baseline on the
    previsouly composed image from which `:dy` is
    calculated. The default is `:bottom`.

  ### Returns

  * `composed_image` or

  * raises an exception

  ### Examples

      # Compose images over a base image using
      # absolute  coordinates from the base image
      # to place each overlay image
      #==> base_image
      ...> |> Image.compose!(polygon, x: :middle, y: :top)
      ...> |> Image.compose!(explore_new, x: 260, y: 200)
      ...> |> Image.compose!(places, x: 260, y: 260)
      ...> |> Image.compose!(blowout, x: 260, y: 340)
      ...> |> Image.compose!(start_saving, x: 260, y: 400)

      # Compose images over a base image
      # using a composition list and coordinates
      # that are either absolute with respect to the
      # base image or relative to the previously
      # composed image
      #==> base_image
      ...> |> Image.compose!([
      ...>   {polygon, x: :center, y: :top},
      ...>   {explore_new, y_baseline: :top, x_baseline: :left, dx: 20, dy: 200},
      ...>   {places, dy: 10},
      ...>   {blowout, dy: 20},
      ...>   {start_saving, dy: 50}
      ...> ])

  @spec compose!(base_image::Vimage.t(), overlay_image::Vimage.t(),  options::Keyword.t()) ::
     Vimage.t() | no_return()

  def compose!(base_image, image_or_image_list, options \\ [])

  def compose!(%Vimage{} = base_image, %Vimage{} = overlay_image, options) do
    case compose(base_image, overlay_image, options) do
      {:ok, image} -> image
      {:error, reason} -> raise Image.Error, reason

  @spec compose!(base_image::Vimage.t(), image_list::[Vimage.t(), ...],  options::Keyword.t()) ::
     Vimage.t() | no_return()

  def compose!(%Vimage{} = base_image, image_list, options) when is_list(image_list) do
    case compose(base_image, image_list, options) do
      {:ok, image} -> image
      {:error, reason} -> raise Image.Error, reason

  @doc """
  Returns the filename for an image.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`.

  ### Returns

  * The pathname from which the image was opened.

  @spec filename(image :: Vimage.t()) :: Path.t()
  def filename(%Vimage{} = image) do

  @doc """
  Returns the EXIF data for an image as a

  Only a subset of EXIF data is returned but
  its a substantial subset.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`

  ### Returns

  * `{:ok, exif_map}` where `exif_map` is a map
    of selected EXIF data.

  @spec exif(Vimage.t()) :: {:ok, map()}
  def exif(%Vimage{} = image) do
    with {:ok, exif_blob} <- Vimage.header_value(image, "exif-data"),
         <<"Exif"::binary, 0::16, exif::binary>> <- exif_blob do
      |> Exif.extract_exif()
      |> wrap(:ok)

  @doc """
  Returns the XMP data for an image as a
  keyword list.

  Only a selected set of XMP data is returned.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`

  ### Returns

  * `{:ok, xmp_map}` where `xmp_map` is a map
    of selected XMP data.

  @spec xmp(Vimage.t()) :: {:ok, map()}
  def xmp(%Vimage{} = image) do
    with {:ok, xmp_blob} <- Vimage.header_value_as_string(image, "xmp-data"),
         {:ok, xmp_binary} <- Base.decode64(xmp_blob) do
      |> SweetXml.parse(dtd: :none)
      |> Xmp.extract_xmp()
      |> wrap(:ok)

  @doc """
  Returns the width of an image.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`

  ### Returns

  * The image width as an integer.

  @spec width(Vimage.t()) :: integer()
  def width(%Vimage{} = image) do

  @doc """
  Returns the height of an image.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`

  ### Returns

  * The image height as an integer.

  @spec height(Vimage.t()) :: integer()
  def height(%Vimage{} = image) do

  @doc """
  Return the number of bands in an image.

  A band is sometimes referred to as a

  Note than bands are 0-indexed. That is, the
  first band is band 0, the second band is
  band 1 and so on.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`.

  ### Returns

  * An integer number of bands in the image.

  @spec bands(Vimage.t()) :: integer
  def bands(%Vimage{} = image) do

  @doc """
  Flip an image horizontally or vertically.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`.

  * `direction` is either `:horizontal` or

  ### Returns

  * `{:ok, flipped_image}` or

  * `{:error, reason}`

  @spec flip(image :: Vimage.t(), direction :: :vertical | :horizontal) ::
          {:ok, Vimage.t()} | {:error, error_message()}

  def flip(%Vimage{} = image, :vertical) do
    Operation.flip(image, :VIPS_DIRECTION_VERTICAL)

  def flip(%Vimage{} = image, :horizontal) do
    Operation.flip(image, :VIPS_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL)

  def flip(%Vimage{} = _image, direction) do
     "Invalid flip direction. Must be :vertical or :horizontal.  Found #{inspect(direction)}"}

  @doc """
  Flip an image horizontally or vertically returning
  a flipped image or raising an exception.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`.

  * `direction` is either `:horizontal` or

  ### Returns

  * `flipped_image` or

  * raises an exception.

  @spec flip!(image :: Vimage.t(), direction :: :vertical | :horizontal) ::
          Vimage.t() | no_return()

  def flip!(%Vimage{} = image, direction) do
    case flip(image, direction) do
      {:ok, image} -> image
      {:error, reason} -> raise Image.Error, reason

  @doc """
  Resize an image to fit or fill a bounding box.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`.

  * `width` is the integer width of the resulting
    image after resizing. It can also be of the form
    "<width>x<height>". That is, a string with the
    width and height separated by an `x`. The `<height>`
    may be ommitted in which case it is the same as
    providing an integer width.

  * `options` is a keyword list of options.

  ### Options

  * `:crop` determines if the strategy is "resize to fit"
    (crop is `:none`) or "resize to fill" (when the crop
    option is not `:none`. The value may be one of
    `:none`, `:center`, `:entropy`, `:attention`, `:low`
    or `:high`. The default is `:none`. See also `t:Image.Options.Crop.crop_focus/0`.

  * `:autorotate` is a boolean indicating if the image should
    be autorated based upon the image metadata. The default
    is `true`.

  * `:intent` indicates the rendering intent. The default
    is `:relative`. See also `t:Image.render_intent/0`.

  * `:export_icc_profile` -Indicates the icc profile to be attached
    to the resized image. The value may be an inbuilt profile (`:srgb`,
    `:p3` or `:cmyk`), the name of an icc profile in the systems
    profile directory or a full path to an icc profile file. The
    default is to export the icc profile of the resized image if
    there is one.

  * `:import_icc_profile` -Indicates the icc profile to be attached
    to the input image. The value may be an inbuilt profile (`:srgb`,
    `:p3` or `:cmyk`), the name of an icc profile in the systems
    profile directory or a full path to an icc profile file. The
    default is to use the icc profile of the input image if
    there is one.

  * `:linear` is a boolean indicating of the image should
    be resized in linear space. The default `false`. Shrinking is
    normally done in sRGB colourspace. Set linear to shrink in
    linear light colourspace instead. This can give better results,
    but can also be far slower, since tricks like JPEG shrink-on-load
    cannot be used in linear space.

  * `:resize` determines if an image may be only upsized, only
    downsized, or both. The value may be one of `:up`, `:down`
    or `:both`. The default is `:both`.

  * `:height` - Size to this height. Default is to maintain
    the image aspect ratio.

  ### Returns

  * `{:ok, resized_image}` or

  * `{:error, reason}`

  @spec resize(Vimage.t(), width :: pos_integer(), options :: Options.Resize.resize_options()) ::
          {:ok, Vimage.t()} | {:error, error_message()}

  def resize(image_or_path, wide, options \\ [])

  def resize(%Vimage{} = image, width, options) when is_size(width) do
    with {:ok, options} <- Options.Resize.validate_options(options) do
      Operation.thumbnail_image(image, width, options)

  @spec resize(Path.t(), width :: pos_integer(), options :: Options.Resize.resize_options()) ::
          {:ok, Vimage.t()} | {:error, error_message()}

  def resize(image_path, width, options) when is_binary(image_path) and is_size(width) do
    with {:ok, options} <- Options.Resize.validate_options(options),
         :ok = file_exists?(image_path) do
      Operation.thumbnail(image_path, width, options)

  @spec resize(
          Vimage.t() | Path.t(),
          width :: pos_integer(),
          options :: Options.Resize.resize_options()
        ) ::
          {:ok, Vimage.t()} | {:error, error_message()}

  def resize(image_or_path, dimensions, options) when is_binary(dimensions) do
    with {:ok, width, options} <- Options.Resize.validate_dimensions(dimensions, options) do
      resize(image_or_path, width, options)

  @doc """
  Resize an image to fit or fill a bounding box
  returning an image or raising an exception.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`.

  * `width` is the width of the resulting
    image after resizing.

  * `options` is a keyword list of options.
    See `Image.resize/3`.

  ### Returns

  * `image` or

  * raises an exception.

  @spec resize!(
          Vimage.t() | Path.t(),
          width :: pos_integer(),
          options :: Options.Resize.resize_options()
        ) ::
          Vimage.t() | no_return

  def resize!(%Vimage{} = image, width, options \\ []) do
    case resize(image, width, options) do
      {:ok, image} -> image
      {:error, reason} -> raise Image.Error, reason

  @doc """
  Make a circular image intended to be used
  as an avatar image.

  The image is resized, a circular mask is
  applied and all metadata is removed from
  the image.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`.

  * `size` is the diameter of the resulting
    image after resizing. The default value
    is `#{@default_avatar_size}`.

  * `options` is a keyword list of options.
    See `Image.resize/3` for the valid options.

  ### Returns

  * `{:ok, avatar_image}` or

  * `{:error, reason}`


  @spec avatar(Vimage.t(), size :: pos_integer(), options :: Options.Avatar.avatar_options()) ::
          {:ok, Vimage.t()} | {:error, error_message()}

  def avatar(image, size \\ @default_avatar_size, options \\ [])

  def avatar(%Vimage{} = image, size, options) when is_size(size) do
    with {:ok, options} <- Options.Avatar.validate_options(options) do
      {:ok, image} = Operation.thumbnail_image(image, size, options)

  def avatar(image_path, size, options) when is_binary(image_path) and is_size(size) do
    with {:ok, options} <- Options.Avatar.validate_options(options),
         :ok = file_exists?(image_path) do
      {:ok, image} = Operation.thumbnail(image_path, size, options)

  defp circular_mask_and_remove_meta(image) do
    {:ok, image} = circle(image)

  @doc """
  Make a circular image intended to be used
  as an avatar image returning an image or
  raising an exception.

  The image is resized, a circular mask is
  applied and all metadata is removed from
  the image.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`.

  * `size` is the diameter of the resulting
    image after resizing. The default value
    is `#{@default_avatar_size}`.

  * `options` is a keyword list of options.
    See `Image.resize/3` for the valid options.

  ### Returns

  * `avatar_image` or

  * raises an exception.


  @spec avatar!(Vimage.t(), size :: pos_integer(), options :: Options.Avatar.avatar_options()) ::
          Vimage.t() | no_return()

  def avatar!(%Vimage{} = image, size \\ @default_avatar_size, options \\ []) do
    case avatar(image, size, options) do
      {:ok, image} -> image
      {:error, reason} -> raise Image.Error, reason

  @doc """
  Crop an image.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`.

  * `left` is the top edge of crop area as an
    integer. If `left` is positive it is relative to
    the left edge of the image. If it is negative it is
    relative to the right edge of the image.

  * `top` is the top edge of crop area as an
    integer. If `top` is positive it is relative to
    the top edge of the image. If it is negative it is
    relative to the bottom edge of the image.

  * `width` is the width of area remaining as a
    positive integer.

  * `height` is the height of the area remaining
    as a positive integer.

  ### Notes

  * `left` is 0-indexed. That is, the leftmost
    edge of the image starts at `0`.

  * `top` is 0-indexed. That is, the toptmost
    edge of the image starts at `0`.

  ### Returns

  * `{:ok, cropped_image}` or

  * `{:error, reason}`

  @spec crop(Vimage.t(), integer(), integer(), pos_integer(), pos_integer()) ::
          {:ok, Vimage.t()} | {:error, error_message()}

  def crop(%Vimage{} = image, left, top, width, height)
      when is_box(left, top, width, height) and left >= 0 and top >= 0 do
    Operation.extract_area(image, left, top, width, height)

  def crop(%Vimage{} = image, left, top, width, height)
      when is_box(left, top, width, height) and left < 0 and top >= 0 do
    left = width(image) + left - width
    Operation.extract_area(image, left, top, width, height)

  def crop(%Vimage{} = image, left, top, width, height)
      when is_box(left, top, width, height) and left >= 0 and top < 0 do
    top = height(image) + top - height
    Operation.extract_area(image, left, top, width, height)

  def crop(%Vimage{} = image, left, top, width, height)
      when is_box(left, top, width, height) and left < 0 and top < 0 do
    left = width(image) + left - width
    top = height(image) + top - height
    Operation.extract_area(image, left, top, width, height)

  @doc """
  Crop an image returning a cropped image
  or raising an exception.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`.

  * `left` is the left edge of extract area as a
    positive integer.

  * `top` is the top edge of extract area as an
    integer. If `top` is positive it is relative to
    the top of the image. If it is negative it is
    relative to the bottom of the image.

  * `width` is the width of extract area as a
    positive integer.

  * `height` is the height of extract area as a
    positive integer.

  ### Returns

  * `cropped_image` or

  * raises an exception.

  @spec crop!(Vimage.t(), integer(), integer(), pos_integer(), pos_integer()) ::
          Vimage.t() | no_return

  def crop!(%Vimage{} = image, left, top, width, height) do
    case crop(image, left, top, width, height) do
      {:ok, image} -> image
      {:error, reason} -> raise Image.Error, reason

  @doc """
  Rotate an image clockwise (to the
  right) by a number of degrees.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`.

  * `angle` is a `float` number of degrees
    to rotate in a clockwise direction.

  * `options` is a keyword list of options.

  ### Options

  * `:idy` is the vertical input displacement which
    defaults to `0.0`

  * `:idx` is the horizontal input displacement which
    defaults to `0.0`

  * `:ody` is the vertical output displacement
    which defaults to `0.0`

  * `:odx` is the horizontal output displacement
    which defaults to `0.0`

  * `:background` is the background color to be used for filling
    the blank areas of the image. The background is specified as
    a list of 3 or 4 float values depending on the image
    color space.

  ## Notes

  The displacement parameters cause the image canvas to be
  expanded and the image displaced, relative to the top left
  corner of the image, by the amount specified.

  The rules defining how the image canvas is expanded
  is not known to the author of `Image`. Experimentation will
  be required if you explore these options.

  ### Returns

  * `{:ok, rotated_image}` or

  * `{:error, reason}`

  @spec rotate(
          image :: Vimage.t(),
          angle :: float(),
          options :: Options.Rotation.rotation_options()
        ) ::
          {:ok, Vimage.t()} | {:error, error_message()}

  def rotate(%Vimage{} = image, angle, options \\ []) when is_number(angle) do
    with {:ok, options} <- Options.Rotate.validate_options(options) do
      Operation.rotate(image, angle, options)

  @doc """
  Rotate an image clockwise (to the
  right) by a number of degrees.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`.

  * `angle` is a `float` number of degrees
    to rotate in a clockwise direction.

  * `options` is a keyword list of options.
    See `Image.rotate/3`.

  ## Notes

  The displacement parameters cause the image canvas to be
  expanded and the image displaced, relative to the top left
  corner of the image, by the amount specified.

  The rules defining how the image canvas is expanded
  is not known to the author of `Image`. Experimentation will
  be required if you explore these options.

  ### Returns

  * `rotated_image` or

  * raises an exception.

  @spec rotate!(
          image :: Vimage.t(),
          angle :: float(),
          options :: Options.Rotation.rotation_options()
        ) ::
          Vimage.t() | no_return()

  def rotate!(%Vimage{} = image, angle, options \\ []) when is_number(angle) do
    case rotate(image, angle, options) do
      {:ok, image} -> image
      {:error, reason} -> raise Image.Error, reason

  @doc """
  Rotate an image based upon the orientation
  information in an image's EXIF data.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`.

  ### Returns

  * `{:ok, {auto_rotated_image, flags}}` or

  * `{:error, reason}`

  ### Flags

  Two flags are returned indicating what action
  was taken:

  * `:flip` which is a boolean indicating if the image
    was flipped or not and

  * `:angle` through which the image was rotated.
    This value will be one of `0`, `90`, `180` or
    `270` representing the degrees of rotation.

  @spec autorotate(image :: Vimage.t()) ::
          {:ok, {Vimage.t(), Keyword.t()}} | {:error, error_message()}

  def autorotate(%Vimage{} = image) do
    case Operation.autorot(image) do
      {:ok, {image, flags}} ->
        {:ok, {image, decode_rotation_flags(flags)}}

      other ->

  @rotation_encoding %{
    VIPS_ANGLE_D0: 0,
    VIPS_ANGLE_D90: 90,
    VIPS_ANGLE_D180: 180,
    VIPS_ANGLE_D270: 270

  defp decode_rotation_flags(flags) do
    angle = Keyword.fetch!(flags, :angle)
    angle = Map.fetch!(@rotation_encoding, angle)

    Keyword.put(flags, :angle, angle)

  @doc """
  Rotate an image based upon the orientation
  information in an image's EXIF data. Returns
  a potentially rotated image or raises and

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`.

  ### Returns

  * `auto_rotated_image` or

  * raises an exception.

  @spec autorotate!(image :: Vimage.t()) ::
          Vimage.t() | no_return()

  def autorotate!(image) do
    case autorotate(image) do
      {:ok, image, _flags} -> image
      {:error, reason} -> raise Image.Error, reason

  @doc """
  Adds a concentric ripple effect to an image.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`.

  ### Returns

  * `{:ok, image_with_ripple}` or

  * `{:error, reason}`

  @spec ripple(Vimage.t()) :: {:ok, Vimage.t()} | {:error, error_message()}
  def ripple(%Vimage{} = image) do
    use Image.Math

    width = width(image)
    height = height(image)

    # this makes an image where pixel (0, 0) (at the top-left) has value [0, 0],
    # and pixel (image.width, image.height) at the bottom-right has value
    # [image.width, image.height]
    {:ok, index} =, height)

    # make a version with (0, 0) at the centre, negative values up and left,
    # positive down and right
    center = index - [width / 2, height / 2]

    # to polar space, so each pixel is now distance and angle in degrees
    {:ok, polar} = Complex.polar(center)

    # scale sin(distance) by 1/distance to make a wavey pattern
    d = 10_000 * sin!(polar[0] * 3) / (1 + polar[0])

    # and back to rectangular coordinates again to make a set of vectors we can
    # apply to the original index image
    {:ok, joined} = Operation.bandjoin([d, polar[1]])
    {:ok, rectangular} = Complex.rectangular(joined)
    index = index + rectangular

    # finally, use our modified index image to distort the input!
    Operation.mapim(image, index)

  @doc """
  Adds a concentric ripple effect to an image
  returning an image or raising an exception.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`.

  ### Returns

  * `image_with_ripple` or

  * raises an exception.

  @spec ripple!(Vimage.t()) :: Vimage.t() | no_return()
  def ripple!(%Vimage{} = image) do
    case ripple(image) do
      {:ok, image} -> image
      {:error, reason} -> raise Image.Error, reason

  @doc """
  Apply a circular mask to an image.

  The returned image has an alpha
  band masking the circular image.

  As a result, it is best saved to a
  format, like `.png` that supports
  alpha transparency.

  Note that `.jpg` files do not support
  alpha transparency.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`.

  ### Returns

  * `{:ok, circular_image}` or

  * `{:error, reason}`

  @spec circle(Vimage.t(), Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, Vimage.t()} | {:error, error_message()}
  def circle(%Vimage{} = image, _options \\ []) do
    width = width(image)
    height = height(image)
    size = min(width, height)

    {:ok, mask} = mask(:circle, size, size)
    Operation.bandjoin([image, mask])

  @doc """
  Apply a circular mask to an image
  returning an image or raising an

  The returned image has an alpha
  band masking the circular image.

  As a result, it is best saved to a
  format, like `.png` that supports
  alpha transparency.

  Note that `.jpg` files do not support
  alpha transparency.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`.

  ### Returns

  * `circular_image` or

  * raises an exception.

  @spec circle!(Vimage.t(), Keyword.t()) :: Vimage.t() | no_return()
  def circle!(%Vimage{} = image, options \\ []) do
    case circle(image, options) do
      {:ok, image} -> image
      {:error, reason} -> raise Image.Error, reason

  @doc """
  Apply rounded corners to an image.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`.

  * `options` is a keyword list of options.

  ### Options

  * `:radius` is the desired corner radius.
    The default is #{@default_round_corner_radius}.

  ### Returns

  * `{:ok, rounded_corner_image}` or

  * `{:error, reason}`

  @spec rounded(Vimage.t(), Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, Vimage.t()} | {:error, error_message()}
  def rounded(%Vimage{} = image, options \\ []) do
    options = Keyword.put_new(options, :radius, @default_round_corner_radius)
    width = width(image)
    height = height(image)

    {:ok, mask} = mask(:rounded_corners, width, height, options)
    Operation.bandjoin([image, mask])

  @doc """
  Apply rounded corners to an image. Returns
  an image or raises an exception.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`.

  * `options` is a keyword list of options.

  ### Options

  * `:radius` is the desired corner radius.
    The default is #{@default_round_corner_radius}.

  ### Returns

  * `rounded_corner_image` or

  * raises an exception.

  @spec rounded!(Vimage.t(), Keyword.t()) :: Vimage.t() | no_return()
  def rounded!(%Vimage{} = image, options \\ []) do
    case rounded(image, options) do
      {:ok, image} -> image
      {:error, reason} -> raise Image.Error, reason

  # Create an image mask (alph transparency) that can
  # then be applied to an image.

  # At some point this will become a public API.

  defp mask(type, width, height, options \\ [])

  defp mask(:circle, diameter, diameter, _options) do
    centre = div(diameter, 2)

    svg = """
    <svg viewBox="0 0 #{diameter} #{diameter}">
      <circle style="fill: black; stroke: none" cx="#{centre}" cy="#{centre}" r="#{centre}"/>

    {:ok, {circle, _flags}} = Operation.svgload_buffer(svg)
    Operation.extract_band(circle, alpha_band(circle))

  defp mask(:rounded_corners, width, height, options) do
    radius = Keyword.get(options, :radius, @default_round_corner_radius)

    svg = """
    <svg viewBox="0 0 #{width} #{height}">
      <rect rx="#{radius}" ry="#{radius}" x="0" y="0" width="#{width}" height="#{height}" fill="black" />

    {:ok, {mask, _flags}} = Operation.svgload_buffer(svg)
    Operation.extract_band(mask, alpha_band(mask))

  @doc """
  Minimize metadata by keeping only the artist
  and copyright (if available).

  Removing metadata from an image can greatly reduce
  the overall size of an image. The proprtional
  reduction is most noticable with smaller images
  which are very common in web applications.

  Removing all metadata is a common option however
  with intellectual property concerns in mind
  this function will keep the artist and
  copyright fields if they exist in the original

  On a 1000x500px image exported from Adobe Lightroom
  with metadata intact, removing the metadata
  results in am approximately 50% saving in file
  size due to the removal of most EXIF and all
  IPTC and XMP metadata.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`

  ### Returns

  * `{:ok, image_with_minimal_metadata}` or

  * `{:error, reason}`

  @spec minimize_metadata(image :: Vimage.t()) :: {:ok, Vimage.t()} | {:error, error_message()}
  def minimize_metadata(%Vimage{} = image) do
    with {:ok, _exif} <- exif(image),
         {:ok, image} <- remove_metadata(image) do
      {:ok, artist} = Exif.get_metadata(image, :artist)
      {:ok, copyright} = Exif.get_metadata(image, :copyright)

      Vimage.mutate(image, fn mut_img ->
        :ok = MutableImage.set(mut_img, "exif-data", :VipsBlob, <<0>>)

        Exif.put_metadata(mut_img, :copyright, copyright)
        Exif.put_metadata(mut_img, :artist, artist)

  @doc """
  Minimize metadata by keeping only the artist
  and copyright (if available).

  See also `Image.minimize_metadata/1`.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`

  ### Returns

  * ` image_with_minimal_metadata` or

  * raises an exception.

  @spec minimize_metadata!(image :: Vimage.t()) :: Vimage.t() | no_return()
  def minimize_metadata!(%Vimage{} = image) do
    case minimize_metadata(image) do
      {:ok, image} -> image
      {:error, reason} -> raise Image.Error, reason

  @metadata_fields %{
    exif: "exif-data",
    xmp: "xmp-dataa",
    iptc: "iptc-data"

  @metadata_names Map.keys(@metadata_fields)

  @doc """
  Remove metadata from an image returning
  an updated image or raising an exception.

  This can significantly reduce the size of
  an image file.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`

  * `fields` is a list of metadata field names
    as strings. The default is all known
    field names. There are some special field
    names interpreted by `Image` to simplify
    metadata removal these are:

    * `:exif` which means remove all
      [EXIF]( metadata
    * `:iptc` which means remove all
      [IPTC]( metadata
    * `:xmp` which means remove all
      [xmp]( data

  ## Notes

  * The available field names (ie. metadata fields)
    in an image can be returned with a call to

  * Errors removing metadata fields is not propogated
    into the return for this function. Errors might occur
    when attempting to remove metadata fields that
    do not exist in the image.

  ### Returns

    * `{:ok, image_without_metadata_fields}` or

    * `{:error, reason}`

  @spec remove_metadata(Vimage.t(), list(binary() | atom())) ::
          {:ok, Vimage.t()} | {:error, error_message()}

  def remove_metadata(image, fields \\ [])

  def remove_metadata(image, field) when not is_list(field) do
    remove_metadata(image, List.wrap(field))

  def remove_metadata(image, []) do
    {:ok, fields} = Vimage.header_field_names(image)
    remove_metadata(image, fields)

  def remove_metadata(%Vimage{} = image, fields) when is_list(fields) do
    Vimage.mutate(image, fn mut_img ->
      Enum.each(fields, &remove_meta(mut_img, &1))

  defp remove_meta(image, field) when is_atom(field) and field in @metadata_names do
    field = Map.fetch!(@metadata_fields, field)
    remove_meta(image, field)

  defp remove_meta(image, field) do
    MutableImage.remove(image, field)

  @doc """
  Remove metadata from an image returning
  an image or raising an exception.

  This can significant;y reduce the size of
  an image file.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`

  * `fields` is a list of metadata field names
    as strings. The default is all known
    field names. There are some special field
    names interpreted by `Image` to simplify
    metadata removal these are:

    * `:exif` which means remove all
      [EXIF]( metadata
    * `:iptc` which means remove all
      [IPTC]( metadata
    * `:xmp` which means remove all
      [xmp]( data

  ## Notes

  * The available field names (ie. metadata fields)
    in an image can be returned with a call to

  * Errors removing metadata fields is not propogated
    into the return for this function. Errors might occur
    when attempting to remove metadata fields that
    do not exist in the image.

  ### Returns

    * `image_without_metadata_fields` or

    * raises an exception.

  @spec remove_metadata!(Vimage.t(), list(binary() | atom())) :: Vimage.t() | no_return()
  def remove_metadata!(image, fields \\ []) do
    case remove_metadata(image, fields) do
      {:ok, image} -> image
      {:error, reason} -> raise Image.Error, reason

  @y_band 1

  @doc """
  Create an image gradient of the same size as
  the given image.

  The gradient will interpolate from the `start`
  value to the `finish` value. The default `start`
  value is black with 100% transparency. The
  default `finish` value is black with 100% opacity.

  `start` and `finish` are given as an `rgb` triplet
  or quadruplet list of integers between `0` and `255`.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`

  * `:start is an `rgb` triplet or quadruplet
    list of numbers between `0` and `255`.

  * `:finish is an `rgb` triplet or quadruplet
    list of numbers between `0` and `255`.

  ### Returns

  * `{:ok, gradient_image}` or

  * `{:error, reason}`

  ### Example

      # transparent_black and opaque_black are the default
      # start and finish values
      transparent_black = [0, 0, 0, 0]
      opaque_black = [0, 0, 0, 255]
      {:ok, gradient} = Image.linear_gradient(image, transparent_black, opaque_black)

  @start_color [0, 0, 0, 0]
  @finish_color [0, 0, 0, 255]

  @spec linear_gradient(Vimage.t(), start :: Color.rgb_color(), finish :: Color.rgb_color()) ::
          {:ok, Vimage.t()} | {:error, error_message()}

  def linear_gradient(%Vimage{} = image, start \\ @start_color, finish \\ @finish_color) do
    use Image.Math

    width = width(image)
    height = height(image)

    {:ok, xyz} =, height)
    {:ok, y} = Operation.extract_band(xyz, @y_band)

    # the distance image: 0 - 1 for the start to the end of the gradient
    d = y / height

    # and use it to fade the quads ... we need to tag the result as an RGB
    # image
    (d * finish + (1 - d) * start)
    |> Operation.copy(interpretation: :VIPS_INTERPRETATION_sRGB)

  @doc """
  Create an image gradient of the same size as
  the given image. Returns the gradient image
  or raises and exception.

  The gradient will interpolate from the `start`
  value to the `finish` value. The default `start`
  value is black with 100% transparency. The
  default `finish` value is black with 100% opacity.

  `start` and `finish` are given as an `rgb` triplet
  or quadruplet list of integers between `0` and `255`.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`

  * `:start is an `rgb` triplet or quadruplet
    list of numbers between `0` and `255`.

  * `:finish is an `rgb` triplet or quadruplet
    list of numbers between `0` and `255`.

  ### Returns

  * `gradient_image` or

  * raises an exception.

  ### Example

      # transparent_black and opaque_black are the default
      # start and finish values
      transparent_black = [0, 0, 0, 0]
      opaque_black = [0, 0, 0, 255]
      gradient = Image.linear_gradient!(image, transparent_black, opaque_black)

  @spec linear_gradient!(Vimage.t(), start :: Color.rgb_color(), finish :: Color.rgb_color()) ::
          Vimage.t() | no_return()

  def linear_gradient!(%Vimage{} = image, start \\ @start_color, finish \\ @finish_color) do
    case linear_gradient(image, start, finish) do
      {:ok, image} -> image
      {:error, reason} -> raise Image.Error, reason

  @doc """
  Returns the dominant color of an image
  as an RBG triplet value in an integer

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`.

  * `options` is a keyword list of options.
    The default is `[]`.

  ### Options

  * `:bins` is an integer number of color
   freuqency bins the image is divided into.
   The default is `10`.

  ### Returns

  * `[r, g, b]`

  @max_band_value 256

  @spec dominant_color(Vimage.t(), Keyword.t()) :: Color.rgb_color()
  def dominant_color(%Vimage{} = image, options \\ []) do
    bins = Keyword.get(options, :bins, 10)
    bin_size = @max_band_value / bins

    {:ok, histogram} = Operation.hist_find_ndim(image, bins: bins)
    {v, x, y} = Image.Math.maxpos(histogram)
    {:ok, pixel} = Operation.getpoint(histogram, x, y)
    band = Enum.find_index(pixel, &(&1 == v))

    r = x * bin_size + bin_size / 2
    g = y * bin_size + bin_size / 2
    b = band * bin_size + bin_size / 2

    [trunc(r), trunc(g), trunc(b)]

  @doc """
  Converts an impage to the given colorspace.

  Available colorspaces are returned from

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`

  * `colorspace` is any known colorspace. See
    for a list of the known colorspaces.

  ### Returns

  * `{;ok, image_in_new_colorspace}` or

  * `{:error, reason}`

  ### Example

      Image.to_colorspace(image, :bw)

  @spec to_colorspace(Vimage.t(), Interpretation.interpretation()) ::
          {:ok, Vimage.t()} | {:error, error_message()}

  def to_colorspace(%Vimage{} = image, colorspace) do
    with {:ok, colorspace} <- Interpretation.vips_interpretation(colorspace) do
      Vix.Vips.Operation.colourspace(image, colorspace)

  @doc """
  Converts an impage to the given colorspace returning
  an image or raising an exception.

  Available colorspaces are returned from

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`

  * `colorspace` is any known colorspace. See
    for a list of the known colorspaces.

  ### Returns

  * `image_in_new_colorspace` or

  * raises an exception

  ### Example

      Image.to_colorspace!(image, :bw)

  @spec to_colorspace!(Vimage.t(), Interpretation.interpretation()) ::
          Vimage.t() | no_return()

  def to_colorspace!(%Vimage{} = image, colorspace) do
    case to_colorspace(image, colorspace) do
      {:ok, image} -> image
      {:error, reason} -> raise Image.Error, reason

  @doc """
  Convert image to polar coordinates.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`.

  ### Returns

  * `{:ok, image_in_polar_coordinates}` or

  * `{:error, reason}`

  @spec to_polar_coordinates!(Vimage.t()) :: {:ok, Vimage.t()} | {:error, error_message()}
  def to_polar_coordinates(%Vimage{} = image) do
    use Image.Math

    width = width(image)
    height = height(image)

    xy =!(width, height)
    xy = xy - [width / 2.0, height / 2.0]

    scale = min(width, height) / width
    xy = xy * 2.0 / scale

    {:ok, index} = Complex.polar(xy)
    index = index * [1.0, height / 360.0]

    Operation.mapim(image, index)

  @doc """
  Convert image to polar coordinates returning
  an image or raising an exception.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`.

  ### Returns

  * `image_in_polar_coordinates` or

  * raises an exception.

  @spec to_polar_coordinates!(Vimage.t()) :: Vimage.t() | no_return()
  def to_polar_coordinates!(%Vimage{} = image) do
    case to_polar_coordinates(image) do
      {:ok, image} -> image
      {:error, reason} -> raise Image.Error, reason

  @doc """
  Convert image to rectangular coordinates.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`.

  ## Notes

  Roundtrip to polar and back to rectangular
  coordinates displays some image distortion,
  likely due to rounding errors in float
  arithmetic. Further study is required.

  ### Returns

  * `{:ok, image_in_rectangular_coordinates}` or

  * `{:error, reason}`

  @spec to_rectangular_coordinates(Vimage.t()) :: {:ok, Vimage.t()} | {:error, error_message()}
  def to_rectangular_coordinates(%Vimage{} = image) do
    use Image.Math

    width = width(image)
    height = height(image)

    xy =!(width, height)
    xy = xy * [1.0, 360.0 / height]

    {:ok, index} = Complex.rectangular(xy)
    scale = min(width, height) / width

    index = index * scale / 2.0
    index = index + [width / 2.0, height / 2.0]

    Operation.mapim(image, index)

  @doc """
  Convert image to rectangular coordinates
  returning an image or raising an exception.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`.

  ## Notes

  Roundtrip to polar and back to rectangular
  coordinates displays some image distortion,
  likely due to rounding errors in float
  arithmetic. Further study is required.

  ### Returns

  * `image_in_rectuangular_coordinates` or

  * raises an exception.

  @spec to_rectangular_coordinates!(Vimage.t()) :: Vimage.t() | no_return()
  def to_rectangular_coordinates!(%Vimage{} = image) do
    case to_rectangular_coordinates(image) do
      {:ok, image} -> image
      {:error, reason} -> raise Image.Error, reason

  @doc """
  Returns the fast fourier transform (fft) of
  the given image.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`

  ### Returns

  * `{:ok, fft_image}` or

  * `{:error, reason}`

  ### Example


  @spec fft(Vimage.t()) :: {:ok, Vimage.t()} | {:error, error_message()}
  def fft(%Vimage{} = image) do
    |> to_colorspace!(:bw)
    |> Operation.fwfft!()
    |> Operation.wrap!()
    |> Operation.abs()

  @doc """
  Returns the fast fourier transform (fft) of
  the given image returning an image or
  raising an exception.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`

  ### Returns

  * `fft_image` or

  * raises an exception

  ### Example


  @spec fft!(Vimage.t()) :: Vimage.t() | no_return()
  def fft!(%Vimage{} = image) do
    case fft(image) do
      {:ok, image} -> image
      {:error, reason} -> raise Image.Error, reason

  @doc """
  Attempts top determine the distance
  from the perpendicular for a given image.

  The principle is that rotating the image
  by the skew angle should return an image
  in the upright position.

  The results are very image sensitive and
  perfect results are not guaranteed.

  The algorithm is an implementation of
  [this stackoverflow post](

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`

  ### Returns

  * `skew_angle` which is a float number
    of degrees the image is tilted from the

  #### Example

      skew_angle = skew_angle(image)
      Image.rotate(image, skew_angle)

  @spec skew_angle(Vimage.t()) :: float()
  def skew_angle(%Vimage{} = image) do
    {_columns, rows, []} =
      |> fft!()
      |> to_rectangular_coordinates!()
      |> Operation.project!()

    {_v, _x, y} =
      |> Operation.gaussblur!(10)
      |> Image.Math.maxpos()

    # and turn to an angle in degrees we should counter-rotate by
    270 - 360 * y / height(rows)

  @doc """
  Convert an image into a mask.

  Takes an image, extracts its alpha channel
  which holds the opacity information and
  inverts the content.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`

  ### Returns

  * `{:ok, mask}` or

  * `{:error, reason}`

  @spec convert_to_mask(Vimage.t()) :: {:ok, Vimage.t()} | {:error, error_message()}
  def convert_to_mask(%Vimage{} = image) do
    if alpha_band = alpha_band(image) do
      {:ok, mask} = Operation.extract_band(image, alpha_band)
      {:error, "Image has no alpha band"}

  @doc """
  Convert an image into a mask returning
  an image or raising an exception.

  Takes an image, extracts its alpha channel
  which holds the opacity information and
  inverts the content.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`

  ### Returns

  * `mask` image or

  * raises an exception

  @spec convert_to_mask!(Vimage.t()) :: Vimage.t() | no_return()
  def convert_to_mask!(%Vimage{} = image) do
    case convert_to_mask(image) do
      {:ok, image} -> image
      {:error, reason} -> raise Image.Error, reason

  @doc """
  Returns a boolean based upon whether a given
  image has an alpha band.

  The determination is a heuristic so certainty
  cannot be guaranteed.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`.

  ### Returns

  * `true` or `false`

  @spec has_alpha?(Vimage.t()) :: boolean()
  def has_alpha?(%Vimage{} = image) do

  @doc """
  Returns the band number of the alpha
  channel of an image, or nil if it doesn't
  have one.

  The determination is a heuristic so certainty
  cannot be guaranteed.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`.

  ### Returns

  * An integer in the range `1..4` depending
    on the image interpretation. Returns `nil`
    if there is no alpha band.

  @spec alpha_band(Vimage.t()) :: 1..4 | nil
  def alpha_band(%Vimage{} = image) do
    if has_alpha?(image) do
      Vimage.bands(image) - 1

  @doc """
  Returns the number of operating system
  threads available for use by `libvips`.

  By default the number of threads will be
  the number of cores in the system.

  Since image processing is CPU intensive it
  may be appropriate to reduce the number of
  threads to be available to reduce the risk
  of CPU starvation for other workloads.

  See `Image.put_concurrency/1`.

  @spec get_concurrency :: pos_integer()
  def get_concurrency do
    {:ok, concurrency} = Vix.Vips.concurrency_get()

  @doc """
  Sets the number of available threads for use
  by `libvips`.

  By default this is the same as the number of
  cores in the system. Reducing this number may
  prevent CPU starvation for other workloads.

  ### Arguments

  * `concurrency` is a positive integer denoting
    the maximum number of threads that `libvips` will
    use for concurrency.

  ### Returns

  * `{:ok, updated_concurrency}`

  @spec put_concurrency(pos_integer()) :: pos_integer()
  def put_concurrency(concurrency) when is_integer(concurrency) and concurrency > 0 do
    :ok = Vix.Vips.concurrency_set(concurrency)

  @doc """
  Returns the orientation of an image.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vix.Vips.Image.t/0`

  * `options` is a keyword list of options

  ### Options

  * `:square_ratio` indicates when an image
    is to be considered square. It is a floating
    point indicator of the ratio between the width
    and height below which the image is considered
    square. The default is `0.0` meaning that the
    dimensions must be exactly equal in order for
    the image to be considered square.

  ### Returns

  * Either `:landscape`, `:portrait` or `:square`.

  ### Example

      iex> puppy =!(Path.expand("images/puppy.webp"))
      iex> Image.orientation(puppy, square_ratio: 0.05)

  @spec orientation(Vimage.t()) :: orientation()
  def orientation(%Vimage{} = image, options \\ []) do
    square_ratio = Keyword.get(options, :square_ratio, @square_when_ratio_less_than)
    width = Image.width(image)
    height = Image.height(image)
    ratio = abs(1.0 - width / height)

    cond do
      ratio < square_ratio -> :square
      width > height -> :landscape
      height > width -> :portrait

  @doc """
  Returns the version of `libvips` in

  @spec vips_version :: {:ok, Version.t()}
  def vips_version do
    |> Version.parse()

  defp wrap(item, atom) do
    {atom, item}

  defp build_option_string(options, other_options) do
    "[" <> options <> "," <> join_options(other_options) <> "]"

  defp build_option_string(options) do
    "[" <> join_options(options) <> "]"

  defp join_options(options) do
    Enum.map_join(options, ",", fn {k, v} -> "#{k}=#{v}" end)

  defp file_exists?(path) do
    if File.exists?(path, :raw), do: {:ok, path}, else: {:error, :enoent}

  defp xy_offset(%Vimage{} = _image, _overlay, x, y) when is_number(x) and is_number(y) do
    {x, y}

  defp xy_offset(%Vimage{} = base_image, %Vimage{} = overlay, x, y) do
    x = offset_from(x, Image.width(base_image), Image.width(overlay))
    y = offset_from(y, Image.height(base_image), Image.height(overlay))
    {x, y}

  # Used for x offset
  defp offset_from(:left, _base_size, _overlay_size), do: 0
  defp offset_from(:right, base_size, overlay_size), do: base_size - overlay_size
  defp offset_from(:center, base_size, overlay_size), do: div(base_size, 2) - div(overlay_size, 2)

  # Used for y offset
  defp offset_from(:top, _base_size, _overlay_size), do: 0
  defp offset_from(:bottom, base_size, overlay_size), do: base_size - overlay_size
  defp offset_from(:middle, base_size, overlay_size), do: div(base_size, 2) - div(overlay_size, 2)

  defp offset_from(other, _base_size, _overlay_size) do
    raise ArgumentError, """
    Invalid offset position #{inspect other}.
    Valid positions are :left, :right, :middle, :top, :bottom, :center