
defmodule Image.BlendMode do
  @moduledoc """
  Functions to define and validate the blending
  modes that can be applied when composing images.


  @default_blend_mode :VIPS_BLEND_MODE_OVER

  @vips_blend_mode_list [

  # Convert the list of modes into a mapping
  # from an "Elixir friendly" term to the
  # underlying Vix/libvips terms

  @blend_mode_map @vips_blend_mode_list
  |> mode ->
    ["", key] =
      |> to_string
      |> String.downcase()
      |> String.split("vips_blend_mode_")

    {String.to_atom(key), mode}

  @blend_modes Map.keys(@blend_mode_map)

  @typedoc """
  Blend mode to use when compositing images. See `Image.compose/3`.

  * `:over` the image shows what you would expect if you held two
    semi-transparent slides on top of each other. This is the default
    when composing images
  * `:clear` where the second image is drawn, the first is removed
  * `:source` the second image is drawn as if nothing were below
  * `:in` the first image is removed completely, the second is only
    drawn where the first was
  * `:out` the second is drawn only where the first isn't
  * `:atop` this leaves the first image mostly intact, but mixes
    both images in the overlapping area
  * `:dest` leaves the first image untouched, the second is discarded
  * `:dest_over` like `:over`, but swaps the arguments
  * `:dest_in` like `:in`, but swaps the arguments
  * `:dest_out` like `:out`, but swaps the arguments
  * `:dest_atop` like `:atop`, but swaps the arguments
  * `:xor` something like a difference operator
  * `:add` a bit like adding the two images
  * `:saturate` a bit like the darker of the two
  * `:multiply` at least as dark as the darker of the two inputs
  * `:screen` at least as light as the lighter of the inputs
  * `:overlay` multiplies or screens colors, depending on the lightness
  * `:darken` the darker of each component
  * `:lighten` the lighter of each component
  * `:colour_dodge` brighten first by a factor second
  * `:colour_burn` darken first by a factor of second
  * `:hard_light` multiply or screen, depending on lightness
  * `:soft_light` darken or lighten, depending on lightness
  * `:difference` difference of the two
  * `:exclusion` somewhat like :difference, but lower-contrast

  @type t ::  unquote(Enum.reduce(@blend_modes, &{:|, [], [&1, &2]}))

  @doc """
  Returns the known blending modes.

  See `t:Image.BlendMode.t/0` for a description
  of each mode.

  def known_blend_modes do

  @doc """
  Returns the default blend mode

  ### Example

      iex> Image.BlendMode.default_blend_mode

  def default_blend_mode do

  @doc """
  Normalizes and validates a blend mode.

  ### Argument

  * `blend_mode` is one of `Image.BlendMode.known_blend_modes/0`
    as either a `t:String.t/0` or an `atom`.

  ### Returns

  * `{:ok, atom_blend_mode}` where `atom_blend_mode` is
    a valid blend mode for `libvips`

  * `{:error, reason}`

  ### Examples

      iex> Image.BlendMode.validate_blend_mode :clear

      iex> Image.BlendMode.validate_blend_mode "Over"
      {:ok, :VIPS_BLEND_MODE_OVER}

      iex> Image.BlendMode.validate_blend_mode :VIPS_BLEND_MODE_XOR
      {:ok, :VIPS_BLEND_MODE_XOR}

      iex> Image.BlendMode.validate_blend_mode :woops
      {:error, {:error, "Unknown blend mode. Found :woops"}}

  @spec validate_blend_mode(t() | nil) :: {:ok, atom()} | {:error, Image.error_message()}
  def validate_blend_mode(nil) do
    {:ok, default_blend_mode()}

  def validate_blend_mode(blend_mode) when blend_mode in @vips_blend_mode_list do
    {:ok, blend_mode}

  def validate_blend_mode(blend_mode) when is_atom(blend_mode) do
    case Map.fetch(@blend_mode_map, blend_mode) do
      {:ok, blend_mode} -> {:ok, blend_mode}
      :error -> {:error, unknown_blend_mode_error(blend_mode)}

  def validate_blend_mode(blend_mode) when is_binary(blend_mode) do
    |> String.downcase()
    |> String.to_existing_atom()
    |> validate_blend_mode()
  rescue ArgumentError ->
    {:error, unknown_blend_mode_error(blend_mode)}

  defp unknown_blend_mode_error(blend_mode) do
    {:error, "Unknown blend mode. Found #{inspect(blend_mode)}"}
