
defmodule Image.Text do
  @moduledoc """
  Functions for the creation of images from text.


  alias Vix.Vips.Image, as: Vimage
  alias Vix.Vips.Operation
  alias Image.Options

  @black [0, 0, 0]

  @doc """
  Create a new image from the provided string and
  formatting options.

  `text/2` creates an image with the
  following steps:

  * Render the text
  * Add an optional background color
  * Expand the background according to the required padding

  The text can be rendered as a positive (the default)
  in which an image of the provided string is rendered
  in the provided font, weight, size, fill color and
  stroke color.

  It can also be rendered transparently in which case
  a background color is required against which the
  transparent text can be composed. If not provided,
  the background color will be black.

  After rendering the text and composing it against
  the (optional) background, the background can
  be expanded to provide some padding between the
  text and any base image onto which it is later
  composed.  The default no padding.

  ### Arguments

  * `string` is any string. The string will be
    HTML-escapeed to avoid malicious code injection. If you
    are completely confident that the text is safe then
    you can pass it by calling with `Phoenix.HTML.raw/1`
    on the string first.

  * `options` is a `t:Keyword.t/0` list of options

  ### Options

  * `:font` is any font recognised on the host system.
    The default is"Helvetica".

  * `:font_size` is an integer font size in pixels. The
    dfault is `50`.

  * `:font_weight` is the [font weight](
    The alternatives `:normal`, `:bold`, `:lighter`, `:bolder`,
    or an integer between `1` and `1_000`. The default is `:normal`
    which is equivalent to `400`.

  * `:text_fill_color` is the fill color of the text.
    The default is "white". If set to `:transparent` then
    the text will be rendered transparently against
    a background. A black background will be forced if a
    `:background_fill_color` is not provided

  * `:text_stroke_color` is the color of the outline
    of each character in the string. The default is "none".

  * `:text_stroke_width` is the integer width in
    pixels of the outline of each character in the string.
    The default is `1`.

  * `:background_fill_opacity` is the opacity of the background fill.
    It is a float between `0.0` and `1.0` where `0.0` means transparent
    and `1.0` means opaque. The default is `0.7`.

  * `:padding` is the padding in pixels between the
    text and the edge of the background.  It can be expressed
    as a single integer integer in which case the same padding
    is applied to all four sides of the image.  It can also
    be expressed as a list of two integers like `[0, 0]`.
    The first integer will be used as the padding for the
    left and right of the image. The second integer will be used
    for the top and bottom of the image.  Another alternative is
    to pass a `t:Vimage.t/0` in which case the padding will be derived
    from the image dimensions such that the background covers the
    whole of the impage.  THe default is `[0, 0]`.

  * `:background_fill_color` is the background fill color behind
    the text. The default is `:none` which indicates no
    background. Note that if

  * `:background_stroke_color` is the colour of the outline
    of the background. The default is "none",

  * `:background_stroke_width` is the integer size in pixels
    of the background border. The default is `1`.

  * `:background_stroke_opacity` is the opacity of the background
    string. It is a float between `0.0` and `1.0` where `0.0` means
    transparent and `1.0` means opaque. The default is `0.7`.

  ### Returns

  * `{:ok, image}` or

  * `{:error, reason}`

  ### Notes

  * There is no text wrapping, justification or kerning
    applied. This means this function is not a general
    purpose text layout function and is suitable mostly
    for overlaying text for emphasis over another image.

  * Colors may be any valid
    [CSS color name]( or
    a six hexadecimal digit string prefixed with `#`. For example
    `#FF00FF` for the color "Fuchsia".

  @spec text( | String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, Vimage.t()} | {:error, Image.error_message()}
  def text(string, options \\ []) when is_list(options) do
    with {:ok, options} <- Options.Text.validate_options(options),
         {:ok, text_layer} <- simple_text(string, options),
         {:ok, with_background} <- add_background(text_layer, options),
         {:ok, with_padding} <- add_background_padding(with_background, options) do
      add_background_border(with_padding, options)

  @doc """
  Create a new image from the provided string and
  formatting options returning an image or raising
  an exception.

  `text!/2` creates an image with the
  following steps:

  * Render the text
  * Add an optional background color
  * Expand the background according to the required padding

  The text can be rendered as a positive (the default)
  in which an image of the provided string is rendered
  in the provided font, weight, size, fill color and
  stroke color.

  It can also be rendered transparently in which case
  a background color is required against which the
  transparent text can be composed. If not provided,
  the background color will be black.

  After rendering the text and composing it against
  the (optional) background, the background can
  be expanded to provide some padding between the
  text and any base image onto which it is later
  composed.  The default no padding.

  ### Arguments

  * `string` is any string. The string will be
    HTML-escapeed to avoid malicious code injection. If you
    are completely confident that the text is safe then
    you can pass it by calling with `Phoenix.HTML.raw/1`
    on the string first.

  * `options` is a `t:Keyword.t/0` list of options

  ### Options

  * `:font` is any font recognised on the host system.
    The default is"Helvetica".

  * `:font_size` is an integer font size in pixels. The
    dfault is `50`.

  * `:font_weight` is the [font weight](
    The alternatives `:normal`, `:bold`, `:lighter`, `:bolder`,
    or an integer between `1` and `1_000`. The default is `:normal`
    which is equivalent to `400`.

  * `:text_fill_color` is the fill color of the text.
    The default is "white". If set to `:transparent` then
    the text will be rendered transparently against
    a background. A black background will be forced if a
    `:background_fill_color` is not provided

  * `:text_stroke_color` is the color of the outline
    of each character in the string. The default is "none".

  * `:text_stroke_width` is the integer width in
    pixels of the outline of each character in the string.
    The default is `1`.

  * `:background_fill_opacity` is the opacity of the background fill.
    It is a float between `0.0` and `1.0` where `0.0` means transparent
    and `1.0` means opaque. The default is `0.7`.

  * `:padding` is the padding in pixels between the
    text and the edge of the background.  It can be expressed
    as a single integer integer in which case the same padding
    is applied to all four sides of the image.  It can also
    be expressed as a list of two integers like `[0, 0]`.
    The first integer will be used as the padding for the
    left and right of the image. The second integer will be used
    for the top and bottom of the image.  Another alternative is
    to pass a `t:Vimage.t/0` in which case the padding will be derived
    from the image dimensions such that the background covers the
    whole of the impage.  THe default is `[0, 0]`.

  * `:background_fill_color` is the background fill color behind
    the text. The default is `:none` which indicates no
    background. Note that if

  * `:background_stroke_color` is the colour of the outline
    of the background. The default is "none",

  * `:background_stroke_width` is the integer size in pixels
    of the background border. The default is `1`.

  * `:background_stroke_opacity` is the opacity of the background
    string. It is a float between `0.0` and `1.0` where `0.0` means
    transparent and `1.0` means opaque. The default is `0.7`.

  ### Returns

  * `image` or

  * raises an exception

  ### Notes

  * There is no text wrapping, justification or kerning
    applied. This means this function is not a general
    purpose text layout function and is suitable mostly
    for overlaying text for emphasis over another image.

  * Colors may be any valid
    [CSS color name]( or
    a six hexadecimal digit string prefixed with `#`. For example
    `#FF00FF` for the color "Fuchsia".

  @spec text!(String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: Vimage.t() | no_return()
  def text!(string, options \\ []) do
    case text(string, options) do
      {:ok, image} -> image
      {:error, reason} -> raise Image.Error, reason

  @doc """
  Creates an image from the provided text.

  This function creates an image from the text
  but does not apply a background or padding.

  ### Arguments

  * `string` is any string. The string will be
    HTML-escapeed to avoid malicious code injection. If you
    are completely confident that the text is safe then
    you can pass it by calling with `Phoenix.HTML.raw/1`
    on the string first.

  * `options` is a `t:Keyword.t/0` list of options

  ### Options

  * `:font` is any font recognised on the host system.
    The default is"Helvetica".

  * `:font_size` is an integer font size in pixels. The
    dfault is `50`.

  * `:font_weight` is the [font weight](
    The alternatives `:normal`, `:bold`, `:lighter`, `:bolder`,
    or an integer between `1` and `1_000`. The default is `:normal`
    which is equivalent to `400`.

  * `:text_fill_color` is the fill color of the text.
    The default is "white". If set to `:transparent` then
    the text will be rendered transparently against
    a background. A black background will be forced if a
    `:background_fill_color` is not provided

  * `:text_stroke_color` is the color of the outline
    of each character in the string. The default is "none".

  * `:text_stroke_width` is the integer width in
    pixels of the outline of each character in the string.
    The default is `1`.

  ### Returns

  * `{:ok, image}` or

  * `{:error, reason}`

  ### Notes

  * There is no text wrapping, justification or kerning
    applied. This means this function is not a general
    purpose text layout function and is suitable mostly
    for overlaying text for emphasis over another image.

  * Colors may be any valid
    [CSS color name]( or
    a six hexadecimal digit string prefixed with `#`. For example
    `#FF00FF` for the color "Fuchsia".

  @spec simple_text(Vimage.t(), Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, Vimage.t()} | {:error, Image.error_message()}
  def simple_text(string, options \\ [])

  def simple_text(string, options) when is_list(options) do
    with {:ok, options} <- Options.Text.validate_options(options) do
      simple_text(string, options)

  def simple_text(string, %{} = options) do
    with {:ok, string} <- escape_html_text(string) do
      {:ok, text_layer} = render_text(string, options)

      if transparent_text?(options) do
        {:ok, text_layer}

  @doc """
  Creates an image from the provided text and
  returns an image or raises an exception.

  This function creates an image from the text
  but does not apply a background or padding.

  ### Arguments

  * `string` is any string. The string will be
    HTML-escapeed to avoid malicious code injection. If you
    are completely confident that the text is safe then
    you can pass it by calling with `Phoenix.HTML.raw/1`
    on the string first.

  * `options` is a `t:Keyword.t/0` list of options

  ### Options

  * `:font` is any font recognised on the host system.
    The default is"Helvetica".

  * `:font_size` is an integer font size in pixels. The
    dfault is `50`.

  * `:font_weight` is the [font weight](
    The alternatives `:normal`, `:bold`, `:lighter`, `:bolder`,
    or an integer between `1` and `1_000`. The default is `:normal`
    which is equivalent to `400`.

  * `:text_fill_color` is the fill color of the text.
    The default is "white". If set to `:transparent` then
    the text will be rendered transparently against
    a background. A black background will be forced if a
    `:background_fill_color` is not provided

  * `:text_stroke_color` is the color of the outline
    of each character in the string. The default is "none".

  * `:text_stroke_width` is the integer width in
    pixels of the outline of each character in the string.
    The default is `1`.

  ### Returns

  * `image` or

  * raises an exception

  ### Notes

  * There is no text wrapping, justification or kerning
    applied. This means this function is not a general
    purpose text layout function and is suitable mostly
    for overlaying text for emphasis over another image.

  * Colors may be any valid
    [CSS color name]( or
    a six hexadecimal digit string prefixed with `#`. For example
    `#FF00FF` for the color "Fuchsia".

  @spec simple_text!(Vimage.t(), Keyword.t()) :: Vimage.t() | no_return()
  def simple_text!(string, options \\ []) do
    case simple_text(string, options) do
      {:ok, image} -> image
      {:error, reason} -> raise Image.Error, reason

  @doc """
  Adds a background to an image generated from

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vimage.t/0` but is expected
    to be an image generated by `Image.Text.text/2`.

  * `options` is a `t:Keyword.t/0` list of options

  ### Options

  * `:background_fill_color` is the background fill color behind
    the text. The default is `:none` which indicates no
    background. Note that if

  * `:background_fill_opacity` is the opacity of the background. It is a
    float between `0.0` and `1.0` where `0.0` means transparent
    and `1.0` means opaque. The default is `0.7`.

  ### Returns

  * `{:ok, image}` or

  * `{:error, reason}`

  ### Notes

  * Colors may be any valid
    [CSS color name]( or
    a six hexadecimal digit string prefixed with `#`. For example
    `#FF00FF` for the color "Fuchsia".

  @spec add_background(Vimage.t(), Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, Vimage.t()} | {:error, Image.error_message()}
  def add_background(image, options \\ [])

  def add_background(%Vimage{} = image, options) when is_list(options) do
    with {:ok, options} <- Options.Text.validate_options(options) do
      add_background(image, options)

  def add_background(%Vimage{} = image, %{background_fill_color: :none} = _options) do
    {:ok, image}

  def add_background(%Vimage{} = image, %{} = options) do
    {:ok, background} = render_background(image, options)

    # If its transparent text then the image
    # is a mask and we add it as the alpha channel
    # otherwise just composite the two images

    if transparent_text?(options) do
      {:ok, image} = Operation.bandjoin([background, image])
      {:ok, apply_opacity(image, options)}
      Operation.composite2(background, image, :VIPS_BLEND_MODE_OVER)

  @doc """
  Adds a background to an image generated from
  text returning and image or raising an exception.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vimage.t/0` but is expected
    to be an image generated by `Image.Text.text/2`.

  * `options` is a `t:Keyword.t/0` list of options

  ### Options

  * `:background_fill_color` is the background fill color behind
    the text. The default is `:none` which indicates no
    background. Note that if

  * `:background_fill_opacity` is the opacity of the background. It is a
    float between `0.0` and `1.0` where `0.0` means transparent
    and `1.0` means opaque. The default is `0.7`.

  ### Returns

  * `image` or

  * raises an exception

  ### Notes

  * Colors may be any valid
    [CSS color name]( or
    a six hexadecimal digit string prefixed with `#`. For example
    `#FF00FF` for the color "Fuchsia".

  @spec add_background!(Vimage.t(), Keyword.t()) :: Vimage.t() | no_return()
  def add_background!(image, options \\ []) do
    case add_background(image, options) do
      {:ok, image} -> image
      {:error, reason} -> raise Image.Error, reason

  @doc """
  Adds padding to a background to an image generated from

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vimage.t/0` but is expected
    to be an image generated by `Image.Text.add_background/2`.

  * `options` is a `t:Keyword.t/0` list of options

  ### Options

  * `:background_fill_color` is the background fill color behind
    the text. The default is `:none` which indicates no
    background. Note that if

  * `:background_fill_opacity` is the opacity of the background. It is a
    float between `0.0` and `1.0` where `0.0` means transparent
    and `1.0` means opaque. The default is `0.7`.

  * `:padding` is the padding in pixels between the
    text and the edge of the background.  It can be expressed
    as a single integer integer in which case the same padding
    is applied to all four sides of the image.  It can also
    be expressed as a list of two integers like `[0, 0]`.
    The first integer will be used as the padding for the
    left and right of the image. The second integer will be used
    for the top and bottom of the image.  Another alternative is
    to pass a `t:Vimage.t/0` in which case the padding will be derived
    from the image dimensions such that the background covers the
    whole of the impage.  THe default is `[0, 0]`.

  ### Returns

  * `{:ok, image}` or

  * `{:error, reason}`

  ### Notes

  * Colors may be any valid
    [CSS color name]( or
    a six hexadecimal digit string prefixed with `#`. For example
    `#FF00FF` for the color "Fuchsia".

  @spec add_background_padding(Vimage.t(), Keyword.t()) ::
      {:ok, Vimage.t()} | {:error, Image.error_message()}

  def add_background_padding(image, options \\ [])

  def add_background_padding(%Vimage{} = image, options) when is_list(options) do
    with {:ok, options} <- Options.Text.validate_options(options) do
      add_background_padding(image, options)
  # def add_background_padding(%Vimage{} = image, %{background_fill_color: :none} = _options) do
  #   {:ok, image}
  # end

  def add_background_padding(%Vimage{} = image, %{} = options)  do
    [padding_left, padding_top] = options.padding

    options =
      |> Map.put_new(:background_width, Image.width(image) + padding_left * 2)
      |> Map.put_new(:background_height, Image.height(image) + padding_top * 2)

    width = Map.get(options, :background_width)
    height = Map.get(options, :background_height)
    opacity = Map.get(options, :background_fill_opacity)

    background_fill_color =
      |> Map.get(:background_fill_color)
      |> Image.Color.rgba_color!(opacity)

    Operation.embed(image, padding_left, padding_top, width, height,
      background: background_fill_color)

  @doc """
  Adds padding to a background to an image generated from
  text returning an image or raising an exception.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vimage.t/0` but is expected
    to be an image generated by `Image.Text.add_background/2`.

  * `options` is a `t:Keyword.t/0` list of options

  ### Options

  * `:background_fill_color` is the background fill color behind
    the text. The default is `:none` which indicates no
    background. Note that if

  * `:background_fill_opacity` is the opacity of the background. It is a
    float between `0.0` and `1.0` where `0.0` means transparent
    and `1.0` means opaque. The default is `0.7`.

  * `:padding` is the padding in pixels between the
    text and the edge of the background.  It can be expressed
    as a single integer integer in which case the same padding
    is applied to all four sides of the image.  It can also
    be expressed as a list of two integers like `[0, 0]`.
    The first integer will be used as the padding for the
    left and right of the image. The second integer will be used
    for the top and bottom of the image.  Another alternative is
    to pass a `t:Vimage.t/0` in which case the padding will be derived
    from the image dimensions such that the background covers the
    whole of the impage.  THe default is `[0, 0]`.

  ### Returns

  * `image` or

  * raises an exception

  ### Notes

  * Colors may be any valid
    [CSS color name]( or
    a six hexadecimal digit string prefixed with `#`. For example
    `#FF00FF` for the color "Fuchsia".

  @spec add_background_padding!(Vimage.t(), Keyword.t()) :: Vimage.t() | no_return()
  def add_background_padding!(image, options \\ []) do
    case add_background_padding(image, options) do
      {:ok, image} -> image
      {:error, reason} -> raise Image.Error, reason

  @doc """
  Adds a border on an image, typically an
  image generated from a string.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vimage.t/0`

  * `options` is a `t:Keyword.t/0` list of options

  ### Options

  * `:background_stroke_color` is the colour of the outline
    of the background. The default is "none",

  * `:background_stroke_width` is the integer size in pixels
    of the background border. The default is `1`.

  * `:background_stroke_opacity` is the opacity of the background
    string. It is a float between `0.0` and `1.0` where `0.0` means
    transparent and `1.0` means opaque. The default is `0.7`.

  ### Returns

  * `{:ok, image}` or

  * `{:error, reason}`

  ### Notes

  * Colors may be any valid
    [CSS color name]( or
    a six hexadecimal digit string prefixed with `#`. For example
    `#FF00FF` for the color "Fuchsia".

  @spec add_background_border(Vimage.t(), Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, Vimage.t()} | {:error, Image.error_message()}
  def add_background_border(image, options \\ [])

  def add_background_border(%Vimage{} = image, options) when is_list(options) do
    with {:ok, options} <- Options.Text.validate_options(options) do
      add_background_border(image, options)

  def add_background_border(image, %{background_stroke_color: :none} = _options) do
    {:ok, image}

  def add_background_border(image, %{padding: 0} = _options) do
    {:ok, image}

  def add_background_border(image, %{} = options) do
    with {:ok, {border, _flags}} <- render_background_border(image, options) do
      Operation.composite2(image, border, :VIPS_BLEND_MODE_OVER)

  @doc """
  Adds a border on an image, typically an
  image generated from a string. Returns an
  image or raises an exception.

  ### Arguments

  * `image` is any `t:Vimage.t/0`

  * `options` is a `t:Keyword.t/0` list of options

  ### Options

  * `:background_stroke_color` is the colour of the outline
    of the background. The default is "none",

  * `:background_stroke_width` is the integer size in pixels
    of the background border. The default is `1`.

  * `:background_stroke_opacity` is the opacity of the background
    string. It is a float between `0.0` and `1.0` where `0.0` means
    transparent and `1.0` means opaque. The default is `0.7`.

  ### Returns

  * `image` or

  * raises an exception

  ### Notes

  * Colors may be any valid
    [CSS color name]( or
    a six hexadecimal digit string prefixed with `#`. For example
    `#FF00FF` for the color "Fuchsia".

  @spec add_background_border!(Vimage.t(), Keyword.t()) :: Vimage.t() | no_return()
  def add_background_border!(image, options \\ []) do
    case add_background_border(image, options) do
      {:ok, image} -> image
      {:error, reason} -> raise Image.Error, reason

  # For transparent text we need to render the text in
  # white which is then converted later to a transparency
  # mask

  defp render_text(text, %{text_fill_color: :transparent} = options) do
    render_text(text, Map.put(options, :text_fill_color, :white))

  defp render_text(text, %{} = options) do
    height = Map.get(options, :height, round(options.font_size * 1.5))
    dy = div(height - options.font_size, 2)

    svg = """
    <svg height="#{options.font_size}px">
      <style type="text/css">
        svg text {
          font-family: #{options.font};
          font-size: #{options.font_size};
          font-weight: #{options.font_weight};
          fill: #{options.text_fill_color};
          stroke: #{options.text_stroke_color};
          stroke-width: #{options.text_stroke_width};
          text-anchor: middle;
      <text dy="#{dy}" x="50%" y="50%">#{text}</text>

    {:ok, {image, _flags}} = Operation.svgload_buffer(svg)
    {:ok, {x, y, width, height, _flags}} =
      Operation.find_trim(image, background: @black, threshold: 10)
    Image.crop(image, x, y, width, height)

  # Render a background rectangle and return
  # it without its alpha channel since we will
  # apply transparency from the text image

  # Don't apply a background stroke since
  # we want the stroke around the padded area.

  defp render_background(image, %{} = options) do
    width = Map.get(options, :background_width, Image.width(image))
    height = Map.get(options, :background_height, Image.height(image))

    svg = """
    <svg width="#{width}px" height="#{height}px">

    {:ok, {rectangle, _flags}} = Operation.svgload_buffer(svg)
    if transparent_text?(options) do
      Operation.extract_band(rectangle, 0, n: 3)
      {:ok, rectangle}

  # Render a background border. The fill will be
  # transparent so the border cam be composed over
  # another layer.

  defp render_background_border(image, %{} = options) do
    width = Map.get(options, :background_width, Image.width(image))
    height = Map.get(options, :background_height, Image.height(image))

    # This because the stroke is along the centre line and therefore
    # 50% of it is clipped outside the background. We are after the
    # equivalent of the stroke inside the bounding box.

    stroke_width = options.background_stroke_width * 2

    svg = """
    <svg width="#{width}px" height="#{height}px">


  defp apply_opacity(image, options) do
    use Image.Math

    image * [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, options.background_fill_opacity]

  defp transparent_text?(%{} = options) do
    Map.get(options, :text_fill_color) in [:transparent, nil]

  defp escape_html_text({:safe, string}) do
    {:ok, string}

  defp escape_html_text(string) do
    string =
      |> Phoenix.HTML.html_escape()
      |> Phoenix.HTML.safe_to_string()

    {:ok, string}