## inet_ext

inet extension, collections of convenient functions to use with inet

## Usage

### Get the lists of default gateway for each interfaces


1> inet_ext:gateways().

To get the gateway for a specific interface uses the `inet_ext:gateway_for/1` function.

### Get internal address for a gateway

2> inet_ext:get_internal_address("").

### Get all routes

3> inet_ext:routes().

### IP and MAC address format conversions

|convert_mac/2|Convert MAC Address from -> to |
|convert_ip/2|Convert IP Address from -> to |

Conversions allowed are in between following types:
to_string | to_binstring | to_integer | to_binary | to_list | to_tuple

1> inet_utils:convert_mac(to_binstring, <<1,2,3,4,5,6>>).
2> inet_utils:convert_ip(to_binary, 16#01020304).

### Check address type

You can test an IP address to know if they it's a private,
global(public), loopback, reserved, unspecified, liknlocal or multicast
address by using the following functions:

    * `is_private_address/1`
    * `is_global_address/1`
    * `is_loopback_address/1`
    * `is_unspecified_address/1`
    * `is_reserved_address/1`
    * `is_linklocal_address/1`
    * `is_multicast_address/1`

These functions are using based on IANA [IPv4]( & [IPv6](
) special-purpose address registries.

1> inet_ext:is_private_address("").

## Contribute

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