# Inflectorex
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Inflectorex pluralizes and singularizes English nouns.

# Usage


Inflectorex.singularize("workers") # will give "worker"

Inflectorex.pluralize("secret") # will give "secrets"


# Extending the regex lists

Currently the application has 4 regex lists.
You can extend these lists using the `config` block. To extend each of the lists the
keys are as follows -

+ `@plural_regexps` - `plural` 
+ `@singular_regexps` - `singular`
+ `@singular_uninflected` - `singular_uninflected`
+ `@plural_uninflected` - `plural_uninflected`

<sub> Note - right is the key </sub>

## Example config


config  :inflectorex, plural: [
    {~r/developer/ , "developers"},
    {~r/elixir/, "elixirs"}


# Todo

- [x] Implement caching
- [x] Error handling
- [ ] code commenting
- [x] tests
- [x] publishing to

# Credits

+ CakePHP's inflector
+ degex/inflector

# License