# Inquisitor JSONAPI

Easily build composable queries for Ecto for JSON API endpoints using

[![Build Status](](

This plugin for [Inquisitor](
aims to implement all of the relevant [Fetching
Data]( section for the [JSON API spec](

[Make sure you reference Inquisitor's Usage section

#### Progress

* - [x] [Include](
* - [ ] [Field](
* - [x] [Sort](
* [Page](
  * - [x] `order,limit`
  * - [x] `number,size`
  * - [ ] `cursor`
* - [x] [Filter](

## Include

JSON API Include (Ecto preload) Plugin

### Usage

Use `Inquisitor.JsonApi.Include` *after* `Inquisitor`

defmodule MyApp.PostController do
  use MyAp.Web, :controller
  use Inquisitor
  use Inquisitor.JsonApi.Include


[This plugin follows the spec for sorting with JSON
API]( All requests should
conform to that URL schema for this plugin to work.


Refer to the Docs for this module on how to enable preloading properly.

## Sort

JSON API Sorting Plugin

### Usage

Use `Inquisitor.JsonApi.Sort` *after* `Inquisitor`

defmodule MyApp.PostController do
  use MyAp.Web, :controller
  use Inquisitor
  use Inquisitor.JsonApi.Sort


[This plugin follows the spec for sorting with JSON
API]( All requests should
conform to that URL schema for this plugin to work.


The plugin with correct apply `ASC` and `DESC` sort order to the built

## Page

JSON API Pagination Plugin

### Usage

Use `Inquisitor.JsonApi.Page` *after* `Inquisitor`

defmodule MyApp.PostController do
  use MyAp.Web, :controller
  use Inquisitor
  use Inquisitor.JsonApi.Page


[This plugin follows the spec for pagination with JSON
API]( All requests should
conform to that URL schema for this plugin to work.


Cursor pagination is not yet implemented.

You may need to calculate certain page data to generate pagination
links. You can use `page_data/3` that this module `import`s for you.

{query, page_data} =
  |> build_query(conn, params)
  |> page_data(repo, params)

  links = build_links(page_data)
  meta = build_meta(page_data)
  users = Repo.all(query)

## Filter

JSON API Filtering Plugin

### Usage

Use `Inquisitor.JsonApi.Filter` *after* `Inquisitor`

defmodule MyApp.PostController do
  use MyAp.Web, :controller
  use Inquisitor
  use Inquisitor.JsonApi.Filter


[This plugin follows the spec for pagination with JSON
API]( All requests should
conform to that URL schema for this plugin to work.


By default `Filter` is no-op. You must define a custom
`build_filter_query/4` handler:

def build_filter_query(query, "name", name, _conn) do
  Ecto.Query.where(query, [r], == ^name)

## Authors

* [Brian Cardarella](

[We are very thankful for the many contributors](

## Versioning

This library follows [Semantic Versioning](

## Want to help?

Please do! We are always looking to improve this library. Please see our
[Contribution Guidelines](
on how to properly submit issues and pull requests.

## Legal

[DockYard](, Inc. © 2017


[Licensed under the MIT license](