# Inquisitor JSONAPI
Easily build composable queries for Ecto for JSON API endpoints using
This plugin for [Inquisitor](https://github.com/dockyard/inquisitor)
aims to implement all of the relevant [Fetching
Data](http://jsonapi.org/format/#fetching) section for the [JSON API spec](http://jsonapi.org/)
[Make sure you reference Inquisitor's Usage section
#### Progress
* - [x] [Include](http://jsonapi.org/format/#fetching-includes)
* - [ ] [Field](http://jsonapi.org/format/#fetching-sparse-fieldsets)
* - [x] [Sort](http://jsonapi.org/format/#fetching-sorting)
* [Page](http://jsonapi.org/format/#fetching-pagination)
* - [x] `order,limit`
* - [x] `number,size`
* - [ ] `cursor`
* - [x] [Filter](http://jsonapi.org/format/#fetching-filtering)
## Include
JSON API Include (Ecto preload) Plugin
### Usage
Use `Inquisitor.JsonApi.Include` *after* `Inquisitor`
defmodule MyApp.PostController do
use MyAp.Web, :controller
use Inquisitor
use Inquisitor.JsonApi.Include
[This plugin follows the spec for sorting with JSON
API](http://jsonapi.org/format/#fetching-includes). All requests should
conform to that URL schema for this plugin to work.
`[GET] http://example.com/posts?include=tags,author`
Refer to the Docs for this module on how to enable preloading properly.
## Sort
JSON API Sorting Plugin
### Usage
Use `Inquisitor.JsonApi.Sort` *after* `Inquisitor`
defmodule MyApp.PostController do
use MyAp.Web, :controller
use Inquisitor
use Inquisitor.JsonApi.Sort
[This plugin follows the spec for sorting with JSON
API](http://jsonapi.org/format/#fetching-sorting). All requests should
conform to that URL schema for this plugin to work.
`[GET] http://example.com/posts?sort=-create,title`
The plugin with correct apply `ASC` and `DESC` sort order to the built
## Page
JSON API Pagination Plugin
### Usage
Use `Inquisitor.JsonApi.Page` *after* `Inquisitor`
defmodule MyApp.PostController do
use MyAp.Web, :controller
use Inquisitor
use Inquisitor.JsonApi.Page
[This plugin follows the spec for pagination with JSON
API](http://jsonapi.org/format/#fetching-pagination). All requests should
conform to that URL schema for this plugin to work.
`[GET] http://example.com/posts?page[limit]=10&page[offset]=2`
`[GET] http://example.com/posts?page[size]=10&page[number]=2`
Cursor pagination is not yet implemented.
You may need to calculate certain page data to generate pagination
links. You can use `page_data/3` that this module `import`s for you.
{query, page_data} =
|> build_query(conn, params)
|> page_data(repo, params)
links = build_links(page_data)
meta = build_meta(page_data)
users = Repo.all(query)
## Filter
JSON API Filtering Plugin
### Usage
Use `Inquisitor.JsonApi.Filter` *after* `Inquisitor`
defmodule MyApp.PostController do
use MyAp.Web, :controller
use Inquisitor
use Inquisitor.JsonApi.Filter
[This plugin follows the spec for pagination with JSON
API](http://jsonapi.org/format/#fetching-filtering). All requests should
conform to that URL schema for this plugin to work.
`[GET] http://example.com/posts?filter[name]=Brian&filter[age]=99`
By default `Filter` is no-op. You must define a custom
`build_filter_query/4` handler:
def build_filter_query(query, "name", name, _conn) do
Ecto.Query.where(query, [r], r.name == ^name)
## Authors
* [Brian Cardarella](http://twitter.com/bcardarella)
[We are very thankful for the many contributors](https://github.com/dockyard/inquisitor_jsonapi/graphs/contributors)
## Versioning
This library follows [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org)
## Want to help?
Please do! We are always looking to improve this library. Please see our
[Contribution Guidelines](https://github.com/dockyard/inquisitor_jsonapi/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
on how to properly submit issues and pull requests.
## Legal
[DockYard](http://dockyard.com/), Inc. © 2017
[Licensed under the MIT license](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)